Will i ever learn?

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I'm wondering if I should keep going with this story after the wedding or end it at the wedding? Please comment your thoughts below<3
Tap the picture and swipe to you left and you will find a clip of the three dynamos singing 'dancing queen'! Enjoy!


"Do you mind if I..." Sam pointed to the seat that Tanya had been 'removed' from and sat down when Donna nodded.
"It's a free country"
"I suppose it is" laughed Sam as he made himself comfortable.
"But if you could possibly stop undressing me with your eyes....Mmmm....that'd be most appreciated" Donna giggled as she turned to face him.
"Now that I can't promise" he laughed as a smug smile appeared on his face.
"Well then, you better hope Rosie's got rid of Tanya" Donna smiled.
"Judging by the jewellery she's wearing, Tanya has enough money to hire a hit man and to be honest I wouldn't put it past her" Sam muttered as he made eye contact with Donna.
Donna giggled as she stood up and began walking to the reception desk. Sam followed and stood at the other side of the desk and watched as she shuffled a few papers that were under it.
"So Mr Carmichael...how can I help you?" She giggled.
"What I want or should I say need is a r......"
"...oh I know what you need" Donna giggled.
"Mmmm...so..how much have you had to drink" Laughed Sam, stealing his tie back from Donna's wondering hands.
"What I actually was going to say was that I need a room" Sam asked as his eyes wondered to the back wall where the room keys were hung "I just don't think a night on a boat is the thing for me" he explained
"Mmm, well we have room 4 which is just down the corridor or we have room 26 which is.......which is next door to me" she set the two room keys down on the desk, waiting for him to make his decision.
"Room 26 it is them" he said with a wink, sliding the key off the desk and into his hand.
After placing the key in his pocket, Sam looked up and smiled when he saw Donna face centimetres from his.
"You know you are so very handsome, Mr Carmichael"
"And you are so very drunk, miss Sheridan" he whispered as he dodged her kiss and let her head fall to his shoulder. Sam raised an eyebrow as he realised just how drunk she really was. He couldn't take advantage of her like this.
Sam quickly scooped Donna up into his arms and let her back down on a chair, handing her the mug of coffee in the process.
"Here, drink this" he urged her "before you do something that you'll later regret"


All three dynamos danced in the centre of the floor, a mixture of sky and Sophie's friends dancing around them. The coffee Sam had basically forced down Donna had done wonders and now Tanya was the only one the two girls had to keep an eye on.
Sam's eyes followed Donna as she and the dynamos stole the dance floor, Donna was quite a young mum and she was keen to show her daughter that she wasn't ready to give the partying lifestyle up yet.
A young man quickly grabbed Donna's waist and turned her around. Sam chuckled as the young man attempted to move his hands lower but was stopped by a deadly look from Donna. Soon Donna got bored and pushed the guy away, joining the girls in the centre of the floor once again.
Bill swirled Rosie around and Tanya shifted between Harry and pepper, one guy just didn't seem to be enough for her. Donna stood awkwardly in the centre of the floor until a pair of strong arms grabbed her from behind.
Sam pulled her close letting her head rest against his chest. He didn't say anything nor did he need to, Donna knew exactly who it was. Donna put her hands over his and closed her eyes as Sam pressed a kiss on the top of her head. Everyone was too busy dancing, surely nobody would even notice the pair.
The song was quickly changed and Donna snapped out of it. She turned around in a flash and held Sam's hands.
"I saw you were getting some male attention there miss Sheridan"
"are you jealous?" Giggled Donna.
"Mmmm....what if I am?" Replied Sam with grin.
Rosie and Tanya were the first to leave the floor and sit at the bar. Rosie had spotted Donna and Sam together but was smart enough not to mention it to Tanya.
Waterloo started to roar from the speakers and sure enough Tanya and Rosie were two of the very few people that didn't get up to dance. Rosie watched as Donna swirled around the floor giggling at everything that came out of Sam's mouth. Drunk or not, Rosie had a feeling that Donna would regret it in the morning. Donna was the sort of person who would do something on impulse and regret it later. A matter of hours ago the three dynamos were plotting, thinking of ways they could get the three guys off the island and away from Sophie, damage limitation Donna had called it and now Donna was allowing Sam Carmichael into her life again, allowing him to hold her in his arms, flirt with her and give her the odd peck on the cheek. This was not normal behaviour, not much if anything had changed since this morning.
Maybe it is love?
Rosie near chocked on her drink even thinking about it but then again they do say that there's a very small line between love and hate.
"I'm worried about Donna" Tanya broke the silence as she sipped her cocktail.
"Mmmm" Rosie agreed.
"She's playing with fire. I've done the whole married man thing before and I can safely say from experience that it NEVER ends well" Tanya mumbled
"We've warned her tan" sighed Rosie
"We can't just sit here and do nothing" Tanya exclaimed
"Look at her" Rosie pointed to Sam and Donna wrapped in each other's arms on the dance floor "she's fallen. It's just damage limitation now"
"Mmmm" Tanya quietly agreed


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