Mamma mia, it's a game we play

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JUDY CRAYMER HAS ALREADY STARTED WRITING A SEQUEL TO MAMMA MIA!!!! I'm hoping that if this is true that Meryl will come back to play Donna!'X
Thought I should start with a clip of Meryl Streep & Pierce Brosnan (Donna and Sam) singing 'SOS' as a few parts of that song appear in this chapter. Video attached, enjoy x


"So...what now?"
Sam looked across at Donna, the small fountain beside them making the only sound.
"I don't tell me" Donna bit her lip. Oh how she couldn't wait to update Tanya and Rosie on the latest developments in her love life.
"The past is the past. We can't change it and even it we could I don't think we would want to"
His words caused Donna to turn round.
"Think about it. If what happened....hadn't of happened then I wouldn't have my two boys and wouldn't have Sophie"
What he had just said hit Donna, hard. Biting her bottom lip Donna turned her head and tried to avoid his gaze. He had obviously listened and believed her earlier when she strongly denied him being Sophie's father.
"I never asked you about Sophie's father...." Sam began.
"You did ask me Sam, I just chose not to answer" Donna sighed "I don't want to talk about it"
"Ok" Sam muttered "but my boys would love to meet you, you know"
"What?...!" Donna's head immediately shot up and turned to Sam.
"They have heard stories, seen photos" Sam smiled.
Donna's shock made her fall into silence. What was she supposed to say to that? There she was thinking she was Sam's 'dirty little secret' when she could quite possibly be the opposite.
"I'm sure your wife....or should I say ex-wife is amused my all this" Donna couldn't help but laugh.
" could say that" Sam chuckled.


"Tell me what your thinking" Sam urged Donna as they walked side by side along the sandy beach.
"Nothing" Donna muttered.
"No...tell me"
Sighing, Donna dug her feet further into the sand.
"Your nervous about the wedding, aren't you" Sam sighed as his hand rested on the bottom of Donna's back.
Donna didn't need to answer, she just looked up at him and gave him a small nod.
"If your worried about money....." Sam began.
"No no" Donna shook her head "she just growing up so fast and..."
"...and you just don't want her to leave" Sam practically finished Donna's sentence for her. He was right, Donna knew Sophie was going to leave some day but she was hoping that it was to live someone on the island or even the mainland but no. Sophie and sky were set on traveling and Donna couldn't blame them. As soon as she was old enough Donna had left her parents and traveled all over the world with the dynamos. Donna just hoped that unlike her, Sophie returned home.


Reaching a small bridge, Donna sighed letting her hands glide against the wood. Sam stood behind her giving her goosebumps. When he spoke he sent a small shiver down her spine. The silence between them for the last ten minutes had left an awkwardness in the air.

'Where are those happy days? they seems so hard to find.
I try to reach for you but you have closed your mind'

Donna pushed her lips together upon hearing the sweet lyrics Sam was singing into her ear. She rested her elbows on the wooden handrail and sighed as she looked out over the island.

'What ever happened to our love?
I wish I understood.
It used to be so nice,
It used to be so good'

Spying Sam's hands resting on the railing beside her, Donna moved her hands, grasping his hand in hers.

' So when your near me darling, can't you here me, sos.
The love you gave me nothing else can save me, sos.
When your gone, how can I even try to go on?
When your gone, though I try how can I carry on?'

Donna let a small smile escape her lips as she rested her head against Sam muscular frame.

'You seem so far away though you are standing near.
You made me feel alive but something died I fear.
I really tried to make it out, I wish I understood.
What happened to our love? it used to be so good'

Donna's eyes shot open. There was nothing and no one stopping her from making peace with Sam right here, right now. Turning around she placed her hands to his chest and looked up. Once their eyes caught, she looked back down again at the shirt he had guarded for the past twenty years.

'So when your near me darling can't you hear me? Sos.
The love you gave me nothing else can save me, sos'

Donna's eyes met his again as they both sang the last two lines, their eyes locked on each other.

'When your gone how can I even try to go on?
When your gone, though I try how can I carry on?'

A minute of silence passed before Donna took a few blinks and turned back around to look over at the mainland.
"What are we doing Sam?" She sighed.
"What we've wanted to do for the past twenty years" Sam moved Donna's hair to one side so he could lean his head on her shoulder.
After a few seconds Sam lifted his head up so he could see Donna's face "so....your not denying it then?" He chuckled.
"Why would I deny it?" Donna pushed her lips together, averting her eyes from him "you always know when I'm lying"


Sam and Donna stood looking out over the railings of the bridge. Sam at one side and Donna at the other. Donna was so deep in thought that she didn't even notice a hand coming to rest on the bottom of her back.
"The thing is....I've found a bridge but I think I might need your help getting over it"
Sam's words burned into Donna causing her to immediately snap out of her daze. There was something so familiar about them.
"Remember? It's called rejection honey. I just don't know if I could take it again"
Donna immediately turned round. It was him, he was the guy that had caught her round the store room. She had only told Rosie and Tanya about it, no one else. He had pulled her into the bushes and kissed her to shut her up. She knew there was something so familiar about him....

'It's called rejection, honey. Find a bridge and get over it"

At that moment Sam knew that Donna had finally caught on. He was surprised it hadn't happened sooner. He expected a slap or a small punch but what he got was quite different.
"How do you know you'll be rejected again?" She smirked as she noted Sam resting his weight on arms each side of her "you know your just going to have to try again if you want to find out"
Donna had barely got the words out of her mouth before Sam shut her up with a kiss. When she didn't pull away, he kissed her again this time letting his arms rest where they really belonged, around her waist.

I updated my Devil Wears Prada / Mamma Mia crossover and my Its Complicated story a few days ago so go and check them out ~ also I'm about to start writing a Ricki and the flash story xx
Thanks for reading, the next chapter should be up soon xx

Mamma Mia! Here we go again...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora