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"Welcome to organised confusion" Sam muttered into his coffee as soon as the three women opened the door to the kitchen.
Rosie, Tanya and Donna stopped watching cooks, bar men and most of Donna's other hotel staff waltzing around Sam, carrying plates of foods, clutching decorations that were to be up long ago.
Donna motioned for Sam to walk over to them, laughing when he nearly bumped into five different people in the process.
"I think the bar may be a tad more peaceful" Donna raised an eyebrow at the chaos.
"I doubt it" Sam smirked.
"A bar at breakfast?" Tanya stretched her arm over the bench to clutch one of the one hundred wine glasses that had been especially laid out for Sophie's wedding "that's more like it"
Donna suppressed a smirk as she held the door open and motioned for Rosie and Tanya to head to the outside bar.
"Is she always this...."
"Eager, open, enthusiastic......drunk?" Donna smirked as Sam purposely brushed passed her.
"The latter" Sam whispered in her ear.
"Yes" Donna suppressed a wide grin as his lips discreetly touched her cheek "always"


"What?" Donna nearly chocked on her drink when she felt a familiar hand beginning to wonder up her leg.
"I said, it's nine o'clock" Rosie repeated with a roll of her eyes.
"Shit" Donna pushed herself away from the table. Within a few seconds she had already turned the corner and was now headed towards the Sophie's room "play nice" she called back to them with a giggle.
Sam's hand had no choice but to let her go, but his eyes made sure that they were glued to her until the very last seconds. Unbeknownst to him, two very beady sets of eyes were watching him.
"Well...I guess I'll clean up then" Sam muttered as he began stacking up plates. He needed an excuse and this was one of the simplest. Washing up was surely better than a ten minute session with Rosie and Tanya, that much he knew.
"Then I'll take lady muck here to sober up" Rosie basically dragged Tanya away by the arm. She knew that look, and the type of questions that usually followed.


"I mean, I know she likes him...."
"Loves" Rosie corrected her.
"Ok....loves him....but...I just"
"Don't understand" Rosie muttered.
"For gods sake! Would you stop interrupting and actually let me speak!" Tanya hissed.
Rosie slowly raised her hands in a playful surrender, getting back to business, which in this case was tying ribbons to the back of chairs. Of course, Tanya could've been doing this too but unsurprisingly, she didn't see the logic in two people getting the job done in half the time, so decided to lay across a rather grand chair, sipping a sex on the beach. It was 10am but that didn't seem to matter.
It's Greece, anything can and will happen.
"It's been twenty years, she was over least I thought she was" Tanya sighed into her cocktail "she's built up a beautiful life with Sophie and now he's come and......trampled all over it"
"He hasn't 'trampled' over anything" Rosie chuckled at Tanya's dramatics "he came on's perfectly legal.....and normal"
"It's not normal to visit your ex-lovers hotel for a holiday. The same ex-lover which you told you loved, inpregnanted and dumped in Greece!"
"Well maybe he's...changed"
"Changed?" Tanya's rolled her eyes "he's brainwashed you and all" she slammed her cocktail glass so hard on the small wooden table that it nearly shattered "I'm off....if I have to go fishing I'd rather have it over and done with sooner rather than later"
"Your cocktail" Rosie called before Tanya had even made it to the door, smirking when she heard the glass slide off the table.
"Mental" Tanya muttered as she slammed the door.


"Mr Harry Headbanger"
"Nobody's called me that in a very long time"
Donna crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow, showing Harry a flash of that beautiful smile.
Harry stood balancing a guitar on her knees, one foot a step up from the other.
"I just came to warn you that Tanya's basically rounded up a search party for you, apparently she wants to get this fishing over and done with" Donna smirked.
"Fishing?" Harry chuckled.
Donna's eyes fell to the floor, subconsciously checking her watch to make sure it matched the unwritten timetable that seemed to be stored permanently in her brain.
"I haven't played in ages" he confessed with a smirk.
"Mmm" Donna hummed, looking up and taking a few steps further "time got away with us I suppose" she sank down beside him and rested her head against the cold stone wall.
"Hmm" Harry agreed as he came to rest on the step above.
A few moments of silence past between them. Neither needed to say a thing, they both knew what the other was thinking.

"I can still recall our last summer
I still see it all
Walks along the Seine, laughing in the rain
Our last summer
Memories that remain

We made our way along the river
And we sat down on the grass
By the Eiffel Tower
I was so happy we had met
It was the age of no regret
Oh yes

Those crazy years, that was the time
Of the flower power
But underneath we had a fear of flying
Of growing old, a fear of slowly dying
We took a chance
Like we were dancing our last dance

I can still recall our last summer
I still see it all
In the tourist jam, round the Notre Dame
Our last summer
Walking hand in hand

Paris restaurants
Our last summer
Morning croissants
Living for the day, worries far away
Our last summer
We could laugh and play

And now you're working in a bank
The family man, a football fan
And your name is Harry
How dull it seems
Yet you're the hero of my dreams

I can still recall our last summer
I still see it all
Walks along the Seine, laughing in the rain
Our last summer
Memories that remain"

"Harry" Donna breathed
Now is as good a time as any, I suppose...
"I've got something to tell you.....something I should've told you a long time ago"


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