My my how can i resist you?

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Tap on the picture and swipe to your left and you will find a video of Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan aka Donna and Sam singing 'SOS'!


Grabbing the two bottles out of Tanya's hand, Donna made her way to her room knowing that the Dynamos would be right on her tail.
Slamming the door behind them, Rosie and Tanya lay on the bed next to Donna staring up to the plain ceiling for a moment waiting for her to speak, to just say something.
"It's Sophie's dad" she finally sighed half a bottle of wine later.
"SAM" Rosie and Tanya squealed.
"Shhhh" Donna jumped up covering the two girls mouths, stopping them from saying anymore.
"It's not as if he's going to hear us Donna, from what you've said he's half way across the world with his wonderful wife, adorable kids and the rest of his perfect life" laughed Rosie as she took a swing for the bottle of red wine.
"These walls are bitching proof anyway Donna" giggled Tanya "carry on"
"I don't know if it is him" Donna admitted as she threw her hands over her eyes "there were these two other guys around the Same time. Bill and Harry"
"God" chocked Rosie.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Sighed Tanya throwing the wine bottle off the bed as she quickly realised it was empty.
"I didn't know I'd have to" Donna admitted as she threw her head back on the bed "I didn't ever imagine I'd see any of them again never mind the three of them together in the old goat house. Like how? They don't even know each other? But if what I've heard is correct they are well and truly on their way to working out who Sophie's father is and when they do that's me...."
"That's you....? What?" Asked Rosie.
"Well it's not as if Sophie's ever going to want to speak to me again when she finds out that i was nothing but a reckless slut!" Sighed Donna as she began to open the second bottle of wine.
"Wait a minute" giggled Tanya.
"three middle aged guys in the goat house you say" she smiled smugly.
Rosie was quick to pull Tanya back as she attempted to get up off the bed "three guys in the goat house one of which is your god daughters father Tanya"
"Mmmm, too many strings attached" Tanya agreed.
"And to be honest Donna, they probably don't even have a clue about Sophie"
"They've met her, sam has already confronted me about it" Donna sighed as she let a tear run down her face "shit! I even told him to come and find me when he'd got back to 'the real world' what was I thinking?"
"Sam?" Tanya asked as she turned and looked at Rosie.
"The one she still loves" Rosie winked at Tanya.
"Well where are they then?" Rosie asked.
"On a boat somewhere" Donna admitted as she swung the second bottle of wine in the air.
"A guy with a boat" Tanya smiled " I do like the sound of this, which one is it?"
"Bill" sighed Donna "he said he had one with enough room for the three of them to stay. He was only trying to be nice as I lied and said that we were fully booked"
"He'll probably turn out to be gay knowing your luck" laughed Rosie playfully nudging Tanya.
"Sam Carmichael has turned me into a lier now aswell" donna sighed in a world of her own.
"He's turned my life upside down" she whispered as the last drop of wine hit her lips


Donna jumped up from her bed, it was obvious she had been asleep for a few hours. Donna sighed as what was left of the daylight slowly faded away before her eyes, with a quick glance at her watch Donna knew that it was half seven. The dynamos had secretly planned a live performance at Sophie's hen do in an hour.
Sophie loved the whole idea of the dynamos, she constantly heard her mom humming and singing their songs as she ran the hotel. Sophie had heard all the story's about the dynamos in the 'old days' Donna only ever told her the 'appropriate' ones which Sophie had a feeling wasn't the majority of them.
Sophie had never actually seen the dynamos preform live but with the three of them back together for the first time in years there was no excuse. They were going to give Donna's daughter the night of her life and of course Tanya kept this in mind when she was helping pepper restock the bar. She had that young boy wrapped around her little finger.
Rose lay across the bed and Tanya sat staring into a mirror worrying that her last Botox was wearing out.
They both lay there oblivious to what was going on in Donna's head, she was having an emotional breakdown and she couldn't let anyone see the silent tears that were falling.
Just hours ago she'd momentarily forgot about him, she'd been happy not stressed, worried, anxious or.....even heartbroken, for a few seconds she was herself again.
This all ended when she fell asleep, he was even in her dreams, inside her head with his smooth accent and handsome smile. She just couldn't seem to escape him.
Donna quickly dried her tears before anyone could see, closing her eyes and composing herself before she could face her friends once again.
"Sam called" Tanya announced as she coated her lips with another layer of gloss.
"WHAT?!" Screeched Donna.
"Shouted your name from below your window, wanted to 'talk'"
"must have got a fright when cleopatra here wondered out in nothing but a white towel and a green face mask" giggled Rosie throwing a pillow at Tanya.
"What's up with men and this 'talking'?" Tanya added as she turned round to face Rosie and Donna "if we'd have let him up here talking would've been the last thing on his mind"
"True" Rosie giggled
"Oh rapunzil rapunzil let down your hair" Tanya giggled in her best 'Sam' accent.
"Oh god" Donna sighed using a pillow to cover her face.
"Cheer up its Sophie's hen do soon" laughed Rosie as she helped her friend up.
"And the return of Donna and the dynamos" Tanya added with a wink.
"no worries no men, just more alcohol" Tanya and Rosie chanted as they clinked their glasses together.
"But before that I think me and the little hermit here should pay our new friends a little visit" Tanya proposed.

Thanks for reading!
Some Tanya and Rosie confronting Sam coming up in the next chapter (which I had a few giggles writing!)
Let me know what you think in the comments ⬇️
Also I was going to finish this story the day after the wedding and I wanted to know do you think I should continue it or leave it there? And If I do continue it do you have any ideas?
Feel free to comment below or message me! <3
Next chapter should be up soon!

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