I'm not that strong

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Tap the picture and swipe to your left and you will find a video of Meryl Streep aka Donna and Amanda Seyfried aka Sophie singing 'slipping through my fingers' , enjoy!


Donna's heels echoed through the stone corridor which was lit by the full moon. Grasping onto her room key, Donna narrowed her eyes at the tall dark figure that seemed to hang around the door of her room. What if it was him? The man from outside the storeroom trying his luck once again. Maybe she hadn't made her rejection clear? If he really wanted her, he would have shown his face.
What were they supposed to do? Hide in the darkness when they're out or get him to wear a mask when they were walking the city streets, hand in hand. Donna didn't know what the guy even thought was going to happen but she was a forty year old single parent and she really didn't have time to play stupid immature games.
Donna felt like running back to Rosie and Tanya but she knew that unless the hotel was somehow on fire, they wouldn't want to be distributed. And even then, the only reason they would want to be woken up would be to see the hunky firemen.
Spying a light switch, for a moment Donna was ever so grateful to pepper who a few months ago had persuaded her that getting a light outside her room was a good idea.
Flicking the switch Donna was relieved to only see Sam. Sam had a smile on his face and he was right to, that was the only time Donna had ever been relieved or even slightly happy to see him. Result.
Leaning on the door, Sam smiled as she walked towards him.
"I was waiting for you out here hoping that I might hear another Grammy winning performance. Or Oscar" he smiled "you may be a singer but you sure as hell are a fabulous actress. Dodging questions, changing subjects, denying you love me. I would have believed it only I am finally seeing you crack"
Donna's heels turned on the spot as if they had heard the exchange between her and Sam and knew that it was time for her to run. This was it, Sam had caught her. Even though she was close to an exit she still felt cornered. Maybe this stroll on the beach wasn't such a good idea after all.
"Don't run Donna" his soft words stopped her from moving.
"I wasn't going to run" Donna cleared her throat and took a few steps forward.
"Don't lie either"
Donna pushed her lips together and raised her head up slightly. She'd been caught.
Reaching her bedroom door, Donna looked up at him and tried to read the puzzled expression on his face.
"Go to bed Sam"
"I'll only toss and turn, thinking about you. Wishing you were beside me" he looked her up and down, smiling when he heard her breath catch.
"Oh how my heart bleeds" with one sharp blink her eyes locked with his.
"I should hope so" he chuckled "because my heart bleeds knowing that we will be under the same roof but still be parted by a wall"
"You designed the place Sam. So if you think that a wall shouldn't be separating our two rooms then you have no one but yourself to blame"
Donna kept her head held high and let a sneaky smile appear on her face as she practically skipped into her room, making Sam jump out of the way.
Donna bit her lip as she turned her back to the door knowing that he would follow.
"Now Mr Carmichael if there's nothing else I can help you with" Donna turned back around, her smile growing as she spotted Sam leaning against the wooden frame of her door. Raising an eyebrow Donna pushed the door, near jumping when Sam caught it and pushed it open again.
"actually there is something you can help me with" a smile played on her lips.
"And what's that?" She slipped off her heels and threw herself onto the large double bed.
"A tour....of the island"
Pushing her lips together, Donna half wondered if Sam had been speaking with Rosie or Tanya. He had just suggested the very thing she was thinking. Rubbing her slightly cracked heels, Donna decided to play it cool.
"It's nearly three in the morning" Donna raised an eyebrow as she pulled herself further up the bed, using her arms to hold herself up "you have so far managed to give yourself a tour of my room without any assistance, why should the island be any different?"
"I know you. I figured I might get some sort of access all area pass" Sam pushed the door closed and took his place at the end of the bed.
"Emm let me think about that....no" Donna giggled pulling herself up to face Sam. It was an island not backstage at a concert.
Donna smile slowly faded when she spotted Sam's hand, her eyes narrowed as it slowly slid down until it reached her leg.
"Remove the hand from the leg"
Sam chuckled as he threw his hands up in the air and surrendered.
A moment of silence passed before Sam pushed himself off the bed and pulled open the door.
"Stop right there Carmichael" Donna stood with her hands on her hips, pushing her lips together when Sam immediately stopped.
Walking up close behind him, Donna slowly turned him around ignoring the satisfied smile appearing on his face.
"Call for me in 10 minutes"
"Why don't I just wait here for you" Sam smiled as he followed Donna's eyes. They were only a few centimetres apart and he certainly wasn't complaining.
"No" she raised her eyebrows "funny as it seems Sam, I wouldn't trust you as far as I could throw you"
"You can thr....." Sam was silenced by Donna's finger pressing against his lips.
"Just be ready in 10 and lose the shirt" she smiled "pink was never your colour honey"
Donna pushed him out the door and quickly closed it giving him no time to protest. Not that he would've anyway.


A week or so ago I did mention the idea of writing an 'It's complicated' story and a lot of you said that i should - chapter one of it is now up so please go and check it out, votes and comments are appreciated as I would LOVE to know what you all think! X **description below**

It's Valentine's Day and with Jane's 'dream' kitchen finally finished, her three friends are convinced she needs someone to share it with.
Jake turns up at the right place at the right time claiming he just wants to keep her company.
But are Jake's reasons all that innocent?

Mamma Mia! Here we go again...Where stories live. Discover now