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"Hey." I slammed my locker and made Lauren almost jump.

She didn't even bother to at least try and call me all weekend since that almost fun party and now she has the decency to talk to me and almost act like nothing happened?

I furrowed my eyebrows at her and looked her up and down.

Then I just quickly walked past her, not even bothering to say hello back.

She doesn't deserve a hello.

She deserves barely even a goodbye.

"What was that look for?" She said in a harsher tone, catching up with me.

"I dunno, ask Jack." I sassed, glaring at her.

Ha, got her.

"Look, you said you didn't like him so I took my chance. Is that such a crime?"

I stopped walking and just looked at her like she said the stupidest thing in the world.

Which she kinda did.

"I'm saying to ask him because you chose him over me. God, you freaking sided with them and let them gang up on me.....just-just stay away from me Lauren."

I began walking quicker to class, and I completely dreaded it because I have this class with Jack.

Maybe, with my luck he will just leave me be and not say a word to me.

One could only hope.

I stepped into homeroom and sat down next to Hayes.

(A/N: Hayes' age is obviously changed in this book so there U go he's a senior now ur welcome)

It's funny because his brother is the biggest asshole I think the entire world could ever come across, but Hayes is actually a total sweetheart.

"You seem off." Hayes clicked his pen continuously, jutting his chin out at me.

"Why would you say that?"

"You just sat down and already started bouncing your leg. You only do that when you're nervous." He nodded at my leg.

I didn't even realize I was doing it until he pointed it out, and I looked down at my leg.

"What are you so nervous about?"

"Nothing." I lied.

"Is it about Gilinsky?" He frowned.

"What? No."

"Good, cause he's about to sit next to you in 3....2.....1."

I looked to my right and saw Jack sitting down.

"Nope, not today." I shook my head, gathered my things, and moved desks.

I now sat on the other side of Hayes.

"How are you gonna do him like that?" Hayes chuckled, "I just did." I shrugged as this wasn't to be funny, I just didn't want to sit with him.

"What's up with you?" Jack said taking a seat in front of Hayes, now diagonal from me.

"I think it's best if I sit away from you....wouldn't want to annoy you with all the attention I seek." I sassed, leaning back a little in my desk.

"Look, Camila about that-"

"Just shut up," I cut him off. "I don't need an apology. Hell, I don't even think I want one coming from you. I don't wanna hear it."

Hayes cracked a smile, as this must be so amusing to him, and he tried to hold in a laugh.

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