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"Ah what a fucking joke" you were walking on the streets, the night was cold.
Your face was flushed red, the plastic bag in your hand that held the beer cans was near empty. To a passerby you looked like a weird women crying her heart out.
After Cheng Xiaoshi left you, like any rational thinker, you drowned your thoughts in alcohol. Drinking till your conscience faded to obscurity.
"Why do you do this to me life?" you pointed to the sky with your finger, cursing your heart out.
You voice mellowed down to a soft sob as you sat down on the concrete pavement. Your hands on your face as a few lone tears fell out.
"Why didn't you tell me Rin..." you leaned your head on your knees, hugging your body.
"Even Cheng Xiaoshi hates me..." you looked up to the night sky.
"who cares! ~ this is why alcohol exists" you smiled. "Let me forget all these sorrows of mine" you said as you looked at the last can you had in your hand.
"...Gosh" you bought the can close to your lips, gulping down all the contents in one go.
"Should we get married dear" you kissed the can in your hand. You were beyond drunk at this point. "you're the only one I can trust~"
As you sat on the pavement, you didn't notice a man walking towards you. He stopped in front of you, grabbing you wrist harshly. "Oh my! what is a cute girl doing here~?"
"Ew who the fuck are you" your face morphed to one of disgust. You were always a honest drunk, and today after drinking 18 cans of alcohol you really had no filter.
"HAH? what did you say??" the man grew angry.
"What you heard you asshole! Clearly no girl likes you so you try and take advantage of any girl on the st-" you laughed and slapped his hand off your wrist.
But before you could continue he grabbed your face, and pushed you to the ground.
"Shut up you bitch"
His hands quickly trailed up your body, a blush adoring his disgusting face. Your cries were muffled by his huge hand. You tried to push him off you, but he was stronger than you.
'Ah...is this what I deserve?'
"this is why you girls shouldn't be out in night all alo-" just as his hands were about to reach your chest, he suddenly was pushed to a wall.
You blinked as your gaze tilted up.
Cheng Xiaoshi glared at the man who now was slumped down on the ground. He scoffed as he walked to him and grabbed his collar. You had never seen him this angry.
You stood up on your feet, wobbling, but just in time to see him punching the living shit out of the man. You watched with your disheveled hair and widened eyes.
The man was shaking, blood dripping out of his head, and with his last strength he pushed Cheng Xiaoshi off him "W-what t-he fuck is wrong with y-you!!! Fucking weirdo!" he screamed as he hurriedly ran off.
Cheng Xiaoshi was still angry but he didn't follow the man. He turned to look at you and quickly hurried to your side.
"Are you ok?" he grabbed your face as he inspected it. He tilted your head to see any sign of discomfort or injuries.
Yet your face had a goofy smile plastered on it. You didn't care what happened, you were too drunk for that. You were just happy to see Cheng Xiaoshi again.
"Guess life isn't all that bad" you mumbled laughing.
"What are you talking about?" his eyes met yours, his face still stricken with worry.
"you really shouldn't drink this much without anyone to look out for you, honestly are you stupid?" he kept on rambling and you kept on smiling.
'He's still so cute'
"Idiot are you even listening?" he sighed as he saw your face.
"I thought you hated me" you spoke as you looked at him. You tilted your head, your hair falling on your shoulders. "Guess I was wrong"
"... I-" he paused not knowing what to say. Honestly he didn't know what he felt anymore.
"Go home already" he looked away from you.
'why is he looking away...?' you had a frown on your face. 'I can finally see you this close, don't look away'
"Look at me please" you whispered softly. Your hands reaching to the back of his neck and you leaned towards him. You planted a soft kiss on his cheek.
His eyes widened. He didn't move for a hot minute.
You laughed smugly looking at him. "Heh~ kissing you is still one of the greatest feelings in the world" you stretched your hands before it fell down on your lap.
"I miss you so much Cheng Xiaoshi" you clutched the ends of yr shirt.
"I miss you so much much, it hurts"
"...honestly" Cheng Xiaoshi had decided that he wouldn't ever be swayed by you again. He wanted to talk to you normally. Pretend he wasn't hurt, wasn't mad, wasn't still so much in love with you.
He wished that he could act mature when he saw you again.
But Gods. You were making it so hard for him. Were the gods punishing him? By bringing you back into his life?
Before he could answer any of his questions, he found himself holding your face in his hands, pulling you towards him, and kissing your lips.
1. Cheng Xiaoshi is an overly affectionate person and he always loved kissing your lips. (at least this one is a happy fun fact? )
2. After Rin's death her mother and father had a falling out. They got divorced not soon after.
3.Rin's father suffers through depression. While her mother now is remarried and lives a somewhat happy life.
4. Cheng Xiaoshi suffered with insomnia for a long time. (mainly for a year after the whole incident)
I just realized that when I copy and paste the text from docs this app takes the whole thing as 1 para...so u cant comment for individual paras.....I FEEL SO AWFUL