Chapter 1 (Bellamy's POV)

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I wake up suddenly to boxes dropping and a scream, it's 6:00 in the morning and whoever screamed and woke me up this early is a dead man. I open my door about to yell at anyone in sight, and I see a girl with beautiful blonde curls and sapphire blue eyes starring up at me, I was speechless.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to wake you, I got it though don't worry about it..." Her words trailed off "and I'm sorry...again" she apologized like a million times.

"You sure you got it?" I paused "it wouldn't be a problem, really, I'd be more then happy to help you. What room are you anyway?" I asked, I felt like I was talking so fast just slurring my words together. I felt like I couldn't breath, and like my heart was beating out of my chest.

"Um, 224. I think...I'm not sure. And really, I'm fine I don't need help." She said firmly.

"Ok. Your call, just if you need me-" she cut me off.

"Thanks, but seriously I don't need help, it was just one little drop, I'll be fine." She said breathing a little heavier then normal as she walked off. She stopped at a room that was about three doors down she took out her keys to unlock her door and she dropped them, I quickly ran over to her to pick them up and unlock her door for her. She smiled at me "Uh thanks." She said she put the boxes down on the table and walked over to me "I'm Clarke. I uh, I guess I did need help, sorry."

"Yeah um, I'm Bellamy, and uh it's fine, um don't worry about it." I stuttered, I felt like an idiot.

"Ok well, Bellamy it's nice to meet you. I'm gonna go get a few more boxes from my car if you still wanna help?"

"Yeah, it's not a problem, and it's nice to meet you too." We started walking to her car "So, uh, where are you from?"

"I can't tell you." She said with a giggle.

"And why's that?" I looked at her and laughed with her.

"Because it's stupid, and you'll um, make fun of me for it." She looked back at me, still smiling.

"Oh yeah? Try me. We get some pretty weird people from some pretty weird places here so, trust me I think I've heard of every possible place, city, and town that a human being could come from."

"Well, I'm from Phoenix. I lived there pretty much my entire life, and I just wanted to leave and be on my own you know?" She looked up at me and I was smirking "what?"

"Nothing, it's just..."

"What, come on Bellamy, tell me!" She begged it was kinda adorable.

"I've just...I've never had the honor to meet a true princess. May I bow before you, your majesty" I looked down at her still smirking, I was almost laughing at this point.

"See I told you, I knew it." She stopped and faced me with her arms crossed with a smile creeping onto her face. I stopped as well, and we both started laughing and kept walking.

"I'm sorry, I've just never heard of a real Phoenix girl, out here?" We finally got to her car and we both took some more boxes. "I mean, why."

"Well, like I said...I wanted to get away. I wanted to try everything for myself. I felt like I was trapped, you know back in Phoenix, and that I always had to be this perfect little girl who did everything she was told."

"Well welcome, and I admire your rebellion." I said teasingly.

"Stop it!" She laughed "I knew it sounded stupid...and maybe a little cliché." After about another hour we got everything from her car to her room and I helped unpack her kitchen and living room stuff while she did the bedroom and bathroom. "Well, thank you, for helping me and maybe I'll see you around?" She asked

"Defiantly, and you're welcome. I'm room 220, just three doors down."

"Got it, I'll make sure to stop by later." She shut the door and I started walking back to my room, counting down the the minutes and seconds till 'later'

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