Chapter 18

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Clarke's POV
Bellamy and I were laying in bed staring at the ceiling without saying a word. "Hey Clarke." Bellamy said, breaking the silence of noon

"Yeah?" I responded in acknowledgment

"When did you realize you liked me?"

"Well" I paused for a minute thinking "I'm pretty sure it was when you were putting away my kitchen stuff and you bumped into the wall and then you started daring the wall to fight you." I said laughing

"Oh, can we possibly make it a different moment...maybe?" He said smirking

"No, I uh, I like that one."

"Aw man." We continued sitting there for a while and I started to fall asleep

"hey Clarke!" He exclaimed waking me

"What? I know it's only like 4:00 but I'm tired and I wanna sleep."

"No it's just, wanna go to the beach like now?"

I propped myself up on one elbow and looked at him like he was crazy "the beach? Now? I mean I'd love to, but I mean didn't you use up all your vacation days to stay with me in the hospital."

"Nope, because the doctor said that I was still recovering from my injuries, so they were excused. I have two weeks in vacation days and I was thinking maybe go to the beach for three or five days?"

"Yeah, but I mean we'd have to plan and pack and make sure your vacation days are approved and-"

"Clarke." He cuts me off "what's wrong?"

"What do you mean 'what's wrong'? I'm fine."

"You do this thing when something's wrong or you're scared to do something and you're doing it now."

"I know." I admit "I just, this is gonna sound stupid." I shake my head and burry my face in my hands

"I don't know, I've heard people say Some pretty odd things."

"Ok fine. I've never been to the beach before, like what about the sharks and the crabs and what if a wave pulls me underwater and I drown or what if-"

"Clarke, you'll be fine. Trust me. I've been to the beach almost a million times and I've never got eaten by a shark, I know, hard to believe right? Oh and a wave never drown me, like never, I'm not even kidding. Can you believe that? But the crabs, aw man the crabs-"

"Ok ok, I get it!" I say playfully shoving him and laughing "so when would you want to leave?"

"So you really wanna go?" He looked at me and I nodded "well maybe tomorrow?" He asked

"Come on Bellamy, I want to go, but how are you gonna get an actually nice hotel room booked by tomorrow?"

"No, my mom has a beach house up there, it's really nice."

"Oh, yeah, forgot, your mom owns everything now."

"Yeah pretty much."

"Ok well I'm really excited! So how about you drive to your mom's house and tell her and I'll get packed and stuff."

"Alright, see you later."

"Yeah, see you!"
Bellamy's POV
I started driving to my mom's house and Once I got there I saw that Lincoln showed up there as well. I got out of my car and ran up to him "so uh, what are you doing here?" I asked

"Oh well I was looking for Octavia, I can't find her anywhere else." He responded

"Oh, uh ok." He turned around as he heard another car pull up to my mom's house, it was Octavia's. He ran and hugged her and she was confused by the hug but soon wrapped her arms around him. I ran to the door and opened it I saw my mother and went up to her "hey mom you know I love you right?"

"Mmhm, ok. I love you too." She paused "now what do you want from me?" She asked smiling

I laughed "can't I just love my beautiful, wonderful mother for who she is?" She laughed with me "um, so can me and Clarke use your beach house? Because I love you?"

"Of course you can, here let me run and get the keys" she walked into the next room to go grab them

"And Octavia, Clarke and I are hosting your birthday at your favorite restaurant, I think Lincoln's coming too." I heard a drawer open and keys dangling, ringing as each one touches another.

"Well, I know how excited you get when we go out for my birthday."

I looked over at her "well this year I truly am excited, thank you for noticing." I said "love you." I shouted as I walked out the door. I drove back home and saw two suitcases next to the door and a few other bags too.

"Clarke! I got the keys!" I yell into the quietness of my apartment "Clarke?" When she didn't answer I got concerned, even if she was sleeping normally she at least answer, yelling back at me telling her never to disturb her sleep again, but as tired as she was she would always say it playfully. I didn't know where she was, did someone break in, take her? I ran to the bathroom and looked passed the wall that separates the kitchen and the living room, but she wasn't there. I peek into my bedroom. She was there. Sleeping peacefully. I put the keys down on the counter and change into my pajamas. Then I crawl up next to her wrapping my arm around her securely. "Night Princess."

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