Chapter 2 (Clarke POV)

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I close the door behind Bellamy as he walked away. He was funny, charming, adorable, good looki- Clarke stop it what are you doing?? You didn't come here to hook up with a guy three doors down, you'll just get hurt...again. As much as I wanted to stop, all I could think about was Bellamy I sat down on the chair in the living room, I just sat there thinking about him.

My thoughts were interrupted. There's a loud knocking at my door I get all excited, I figured it was him. I open the door and see someone else.

"Clarke? Um, can I come in?"

"Well I can't stop you, so, I guess." I said, it was Finn. Him and I were a 'thing' a little bit ago, he ended it with me and I was heart broken, I left to get away from him...but it looks like he was already here.

"I just, I saw you moving in. I thought I'd come by to say...hello?"

"Your kidding." I wanted to kill him "to say 'hello'? Who the hell do you think you are? You can't just end things with me the way you did, come by to say 'hello', and expect everything to be fine, like what the hell is wrong with you?" I was screaming at him, I couldn't stop the words coming from my mouth "I can't believe you, I loved you Finn and you left me, for someone else because you apparently dated her a while ago and you needed to give you guys a better chance. Obviously that didn't work out so here you coming to me, expecting to win me back with a fucking 'hello'? Oh my god Finn I just can't-" there was another knock at my door and swear to god I was going to kill whoever was on the outside. I opened the door, it was Bellamy. Thank god.

"Hey, um, are you...okay?" He asks me, I wanted to kill him for interrupting me but he was so cute.

"Yeah, I'm um...I'm fine." I invite Bellamy in and shut the door behind him "Finn this is Bellamy. Bellamy, Finn"

"Nice to meet you" Finn said.

"Yeah you too." Bellamy replied

They started talking walking off to the kitchen sitting down at the table, God knew what they were talking about, but I was obviously not a part of it. I grabbed my keys and left leaving Finn and Bellamy alone, I pondered for a little, wondering if it was a good idea to leave them in my apartment but after a minute or two I stopped caring and got in my car. I drove half an hour to my favorite bar and grill 'Marlo's' I didn't come here often, but I needed a drink and I know the owner a little bit so maybe I could get one on the house. I went in and had a small conversation here and there but a lot of people didn't come near me, my mother always said that I'd scare people with my beauty, but I'd never thought she meant literally.

"Hey, so you seem new here." A guy said to me, I looked over at him he was good-ish looking.

"Uh yeah, I live like thirty minutes away."

"Oh cool, by the big highway right? And the apartment buildings?"

"Uh, yeah I'm pretty sure. There's a mall up there too?"

"Yeah, yeah. I have a friend who lives up there, he might know him" I finished my drink and he orders me another one

"Oh no, you really don't have-" he cut me off

"No. I insist." The bartender gave me the drink, I've never had it before, I've never even seen it before but it tasted amazing!

"So, uh who's your friend?" I paused asking him "and I swear to god if it's Finn, I don't want to hear it."

"No, uh. Bellamy." My heart leaped at the sound of his name "I mean he's not the most social person, but maybe you've seen him? Tall, messy dark brownish-blackish hair, looks like he hasn't slept in 72 hours?" He said, we both laughed and I put my drink aside, I wanted to be able to drive myself home tonight.

"Uh yeah, I do know him. He helped me move in. Room 220, right?"

"Yeah, actually. Wait so you're Clarke right?" I wondered how he knew me, did Bellamy really talk about me? I wanted to forget about it like it was no big deal, but I couldn't "I'm Murphy, a friend of his, obviously, yeah um, he told me about you. I mean he said you we pretty, but I didn't think he meant absolutely gorgeous." I blushed a little

"You're not to good at keeping secrets are you?"

"I can be, but I mean. I don't know, just don't tell him I said anything, okay."

"Well, I can't promise that." I paused "I don't think he'll be super upset that you did" I smiled, and started to blush again.

"Really? Wow. Are you serious? You're way out of his league."

"Yeah okay, whatever." I said jokingly "well I gotta go. And um, nice meeting you Murphy I had fun."

"Well of course you did, first of all, you're at a bar, and second, you're hanging out with me. How could you not have fun." I laughed and went out to my car and started driving home, I hope Finn left, I was so happy I didn't want him to bring me down.

I get back and I see that Finn is leaving my apartment right as I step out of my car. Bellamy didn't leave though, he closed the door behind Finn, and went back into my apartment. I walk up and unlock my door and I seen him sitting in the chair that I had in my living room.

"I wanted to wait for you to come back, you know make sure you were okay, I mean, you were screaming pretty loud earlier. And I mean, I hope you don't mind" he started talking the second I walked in the door, like he felt that he did something wrong

"Yeah, it's fine. Thanks actually, it means a lot" I didn't know if I wanted to say anything about what Murphy told me, I wasn't sure if I was ready to take the risk and be possibly hurt again. He left and I decided to get a shower. I walked into my bedroom slipped on a pair of pjs and laid down, and suddenly his name entered my brain Bellamy. I smiled. I got up out of bed and knocked on his door. He came out sleepily.

"Hey princess, what's up. You okay?" He yawned

"Yeah, I'm fine. Great actually." I didn't know how to word it. "Bellamy. I- uh, can I come in?"

"Yeah sure." He widened the door so I was able to get past him into his apartment.

I sat down on his couch still only in my pjs and he sat down next to me "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I am, or I mean I think I will be. It's just I saw you're friend, Murphy at the bar tonight."

"Oh, yeah sorry. He's kinda a douche. If he said anything to you it was probably a lie, he's not too good around pretty girls." He smiled I could tell that he wanted it to seem like a joke, but I knew he meant it, I saw it.

"God, I'm so glad I dropped the boxes outside your door, because I don't think I could deal with not knowing you." I paused "and Murphy is a hell of a friend." I said quietly, almost as if I was talking to myself.

I could tell he was kinda confused "Yeah" he hesitated finishing his thought "he can be kinda out there sometimes but I guess he has his perks." He laughed but I didn't "look if something's wrong-"

"Bellamy." I paused before I continued, this was it, I didn't want to do this, but at the same time I did want to, I needed to "I want you to kiss me."
The end!
Hope you guys enjoyed and sorry, I know it was kinda like ehh, I'm having REALLY bad writers block and yeah so comment what you want to happen next!!😁😁

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