Chapter 20

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Clarke's POV-

I jump out of the car with my bag and I run up to the doors, realizing I don't have the keys so I paitiently sit on the patio waiting for Bellamy. I see him eventually get out of the car, but once he saw me sitting down waiting for him, he started walking as slowly as possible. But he started walking normally again when he realized people were looking at him like he was insane, which made me laugh. I loved him so much it scared even me sometimes. But then it was ok because I knew he felt the same way about me. He finally got to the door and he pulled out the keys to unlock it and the doors swung open. The beautiful beach themed entrance was amazing, and the rest of the house was just jaw dropping. I turn around to be able to see Bellamy, but he wasn't behind me, I looked outside and he was out there taking some of the bags out of the car. I decided to help him so I walked off the patio onto the warm sand and I grabbed a few bags helping him carry them into the house. The heat and weight of the bags made the walk back to the house feel like an eternity.

"So I know you want to got to the beach first, but maybe we should unpack first...just a little." He paused "or you can go to the beach and when I meet you there I'll bring lunch." He said giving me the look of 'I'm sorry'

"No, it's-yeah lets unpack first, that's actually a good idea. Good thinking Blake." I said smiling at him trying to reassure any doubts he had that it was ok and I wasn't mad. We were unpacking and I place my clothes in a dresser that was in our room and I looked out the window that was facing the ocean. Everything about this house was beautiful, even the veiw.

"Finding everything to your liking Mrs.Griffin?" I hear Bellamy say from behind me, he also grins when I turn around to look at him. Then once I started walking towards him, he started again "I was thinking since its been like half an hour we could grab lunch, then go to the beach?"

"Finally! It's about time! I thought you'd never ask!" I exclaim teasingly.

"So I'll take that as a yes?" He asks and I nod my head then I grabbed a bathing suit and clothes to wear, then I walk into the bathroom to get dressed.


Bellamy's POV-

Clarke and I walk to my favorite place to eat while I'm at the beach hand in hand, once we enter the restaurant we get our seats at a table with a full veiw of the ocean. Clarke reminded me of Octavia and her first time at the beach, looking out the window in amazement. A waitress comes over to where we were sitting, Clarke still gazing out the window.

"Anything I can get for you today?" She asked looking at Clarke like she looked at all the 5 year olds in here, doing the same thing, which I thought was rude and I wanted to say something to her but I knew I shouldn't.

"Uh, yeah. Can I have the lobster dish with shrimp." I pause looking over the drinks "and a lemonade." I add looking from her to Clarke who finally sat back down in her seat looking over the menu like it was in a different language.

"I'll just have what he got" she paused, handing the waitress the menu. "But I want a pink lemonade instead of a regular one. Thank you!" she added in a perky voice, one that all the 'popular girls' would have in movies.

I waited until the waitress was far enough away that she couldn't hear us. "You've never had seafood before?!" I whisper-yelled leaning into the table towards Clarke in disbelief.

"I had shrimp this one time" she paused looking away from me but then back at me "how could you tell?" She asked hoping no one else besides me knew.

"The way you looked over the menu like it was in a completely different language" we both laughed but after a little bit I stopped "why?" I asked as she looked over at me.

"Oh well, my mom thought seafood was poison and would kill me with one bite. Although she herself would eat it all the time." She explained

"Oh...but shrimp?" I questioned

"Um" she paused chewing the sea salt chips we had as an appetizer "at your mom's gathering"

"Oh, yeah. But wasn't there on there stuff, like lobster too?"

"Yeah, but we left like the second we started eating, remember? I only had time to take like a bite, because you know like I said we left early." She said as our food was brought out to the table

"Oh, yeah..." I said thinking back to the accident leaving the words that came out of my mouth sound incomplete like I was going to say so much more. But I didn't.

"Bel, everything okay?" Clarke asks placing her hand on top of mine.

"Uh yeah...I'm um- everything's fine." I said being pulled out of my thoughts. The rest of the time we spent eating we talked. We talked about anything, about our parents, our childhood. We avoided talking about the future, of us together, like it was not even a thought. But it was ok, because I didn't really wanna talk about it too much anyway. After we finished eating I paid and we started straight towards the beach. Suddenly I realized something. I was happy. Happier then I've ever been. It was different, but,I liked the way it made me feel, the way Clarke made me feel. And even though I never had a 'real' relationship with anyone before Clarke, I knew this was how it was suppose to be, that this is how I should be feeling. I realized I never felt the way Clarke makes me feel with anyone else, who I slept with or I dated in the past. I don't even know anyone who can make me feel this way, not even my sister, or my mother could give me this feeling. And I knew in that moment I'd never feel the way I do now, with anyone else out there.
Ok so I'm not really sure if I'm ungrounded or not, but my mom let me on her iPad (my phone broke😰) but I'm gonna try to post two chapters today!! And thank you to everyone who reads this! I love getting feedback from you guys!😊

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