Chapter 21

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Bellamy's POV-
I'm at the beach lifting Clarke up and over the waves, she screams every time there's a big one, and it's absolutely the cutest thing. And this is absolutely the place I want to be. Absolutely the girl I want to be with, forever. A really big one comes, and it's huge! Clarke doesn't even scream this time, she just dives under it with me, and we both come up on the other side.

"Bel, I'm hungry."

"Ok, come on. Maybe they'll be this really cool Boardwalk place, I think it's gonna get dark pretty soon anyway. Let's go." I said taking her hand into mine as we walked out of the water and into the beach where we grabbed our stuff and headed to a pizza place that was like 3 minutes away, keeping hold of her hand.

"So Clarke, how was your first beach trip?" I ask grinning.

"Uh, I don't know, I haven't finished it yet. But so far, I loved it!" She exclaimed, "and I'm glad it could be with you." She said smiling up at me.

We walked into the pizza place and we sat down. We ordered two slices of cheese pizza and we ate.

"So after this do you wanna go on the rides?" I asked her.

"Mmhm." She said as she chewed her pizza Anne nodded her head.

Once we walked out of the pizza place, we saw that the sun was setting. I looked over at Clarke and she looked at the colorful sky in awe.

"Wanna watch the sunset princess?" I asked.

She looked at me and nodded her head and we ran off, onto the beach like we were in some cliché romance movie. I laid out my towel and we sat there, together, watching the sunset, as she rested her head on my shoulder, and I had my arm wrapped around her.

"Hey Bellamy?" She said in a soft, low voice.


"My dad died a couple of years ago." She paused "he would have loved you and I just wish that he had the wonderful chance to meet you."

I looked down at her "Clarke." I said pausing trying to think of something that would make her feel better. "Maybe your dad never got the chance to meet me when I was with you." She looked up at me with curiosity "but my grandmother used to live in Phoenix, and when I was little I used to visit her all the time. When we went out shopping together we always ran into this little girl who was shopping with her dad. I never got the chance to meet her personally, because I was too shy to even ask her name, but she had blonde hair and blue eyes, just like you." I said looking down at Clarke who was smiling.

"I remember that." She said as she wiped a single tear that was running down her cheek. "I knew your grandmother, she was always really nice to me. And I'm glad that my dad got to meet 'the great Bellamy Blake'" she said laughing a little "my dad would always say how I would 'some day end up with that boy' but I told him that I wanted someone sophisticated and charming, not some shy loser. But here I am" she said continuing to laugh as I looked down a her and rolled my eyes teasingly.

"Clarke, what would you be doing right now if you never dropped those boxes outside my door?"

"Maybe working, dating some sophisticated, charming, good looking-"

"Ok, ok. Whatever, I'm just glad that I'm so special to you." I said as we got up and started walking towards the rides.
Clarke's POV-
We were walking down the boardwalk when Bellamy suddenly lets go of my hand

"I'll be right back, promise. Just wait here" he said as he ran off. I sat on a bench and Bellamy came out 5 minutes later with a crown and two shirts, one said 'king' the other one said 'queen' I rolled my eyes as he set the crown on top of my head and put on the shirt for me and he put on his. We got to the rides and we went on almost all of them.

"Having fun princess?" Bellamy asked smirking

"I thought I was a queen now." I tease

He laughed "oh, well, please do forgive me your majesty." He said "Oo lets go on that one!" He exclaimed gesturing to a ride called 'The Griffin'

"No way! Bellamy, I would die!" I said in terror

"Come on please! The ride is named after you!" He pleaded.

"Ok, fine." I said giving in "but only once."

We put our stuff in a bin with a number on it and we got a card with the same number. When we get off the ride were suppose to hand the card to the guy, and he'll give us our stuff. Bellamy put the card in the pocket of his bathing suit, and we got into the front seat of the ride.

"10,9,8" there was a countdown leading to the start of he ride, giving me time to realize my stupidity.

"Ready Griffin?" Bellamy asked sliding his hand into mine


"Theres no way in hell I'd ever be ready for this" I said tightening my grip of his hand


"I promise, you'll be fine. I'd never do something to put you in harms way. You know that" he said reassuringly giving a squeeze to my hand.


The ride took off at full speed and my eyes were sealed shut. I was to scared to even scream. Suddenly it stopped. I open my eyes. I was in front of an 90 degree drop. Then whoosh we were going down. I was determined to enjoy the rest of the ride, trying to keep my eyes open. Believe it or not I laughed. Bellamy gave me an odd look but he saw that I was having fun and didn't really worry about it. Then the ride stopped again, this time because it was over.

We grabbed our stuff and started walking back to the beach house, talking the entire way with nothing but the stars watching over us. And I was happy.
Ok! Hope you guys enjoy! And the Griffin is a real ride, in Busch Gardens VA. Clark's experience on the ride was actually mine so😁 it was scary at first, but I thought it was actually fun! So if you go there and your not sure if you wanna ride it...go on it! It's AMAZING! Love you all, and let me know if you've ever been in Busch Gardens or went on that ride! And please leave feedback!

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