Chapter 16

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Clarke's POV~
"Finn, what the hell are you doing get off me."

"But Clarke I-I made a mistake, don't tell me you don't have feelings for me anymore."

Finn pinned me against a wall and started kissing me, I didn't want him near me and I was scared, I didn't know what I could do. He was so much stronger then I was and he was pinning me so I couldn't move. I protested the entire time. Yelling at him to get off me. He started teasing and lifting up my shirt.

"Finn! Please, sto-"

I was cut off, he rammed his lips into mine and I tried to push him back. I heard pounding at my door.

"Finn, just let go of her!" It was a deep voice, and I knew right away that it was Bellamy's "you're not going to get anywhere this way! Just let me in, and leave her alone!" He yelled through my door I was so relived that he was there, for a minute I thought that no one would be able to hear me and I would just be stuck with Finn on my own.

"She has feelings for me and I know it! She wants me, but is too scared to admit it!" He yelled back. I smelt the stench of alcohol since he entered my apartment.

"Finn you're drunk, you don't know what you're doing, I promise just let me go now and I won't say anything, or even think about it, it'll be like it never happened." I tried reasoning with him to let me go, all I wanted was to be in Bellamy's arms, I didn't care what he did, I just want him to be here, to be here with me.

"Sorry, no can do princess." He continued kissing me. He took my shirt off and had his off as well. I panicked. He picked me up wrapping his arms around me, I kicked and yelled, and he plopped me down on my bed. I struggled to get out of his grip "princess, you might wanna calm down, if you try to get out its only going to be worse for you." He said as he smirked and he leaned down kissing me again. I kept struggling despite his warning and I almost got out when he pulled me back and handcuffed me to the bed.

"Finn! PLEASE! STOP!" I pleaded tears running down my face as he started pulling at my jeans trying to force them off as he was leaning over me. "BELLAMY!"
Bellamy's POV~
I was outside the door and I heard her yell my name, I could tell that she was crying just by hearing her voice. I blamed myself for this, it was my fault. If I would have stayed with her instead of leaving, she would've been with me the entire time. There was a small crowd surrounding Clarke's door. I tried thinking of what I could do. I thought for a moment and decided that my only real option here was to kick down her door. "Everyone stand back." I said as I backed up and kicked right next to the door nob knocking down her door everyone peeked in her apartment. It was a mess.

"Bellamy! Help!" I heard her scream.

I walked into her bedroom and I saw Finn over her. "I swear to god Finn if you don't let go of her now, you'll pay."

He kissed her one more time before standing up to face me "oh yeah? Prove it." I walked up to him and punched him he was thrown back, I walked up to him continuing to hit him. His nose started bleeding and he almost begged for me to stop, but I couldn't.

"Bellamy stop you'll kill him!" I heard Clarke yell from behind me.

I continued punching him, I saw Miller and a few guys from work walk in. Someone from outside must have called them. Even they struggled to hold me back. They took Finn and handcuffed him, and I quicly ran to Clarke grabbing the key that was on the side table and freeing her. She jumped up and wrapped her arms around my neck so tight.

"Bellamy, I was so scared. Thank you." She said, her words being muffled as she spoke directly into my shoulder.

We sat there for a while and I still wanted to tell her, about what happened at Miller's "Clarke I'm- something happened." She looked up at me with concerned fear "I um, someone-"

"You know what. It's ok." She paused for a little and there was a moment of silence "did you sleep with someone." She avoided looking up at me.

"No Clarke, I- no I'd never. They just, kissed me...but that was it, and I'm so sorry and I-"

"Bellamy." She waited for me to look down at her "forget it, it's fine."

"Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?" I asked, I felt guilty and I wanted to apologize to her a million times but she wouldn't let me.

"Bellamy." She repeated "do you love me?" She asked I was almost shocked by her question

"Clarke you're my world. I couldn't picture it without you and I just want to be with you. No one else. I promise."

"Then good. It doesn't matter." She simply said "and I love you too Bellamy, I do really." we just sat like that comfortable with the only sound coming from our slightly ragged breath and our heart beats being synced with each other's.

I finally got up once Clarke fell asleep in my arms and carried her to my apartment since her's didn't have a door and I figured it'd be safer there, once I set her down on my bed I kissed her forehead "I'll be back princess." And I left. Letting her peacefully lay asleep besides no one, but not for long. I came back and she was still sleeping peacefully not knowing that I wasn't there beside her. I gently shook her awake "Clarke get up." I said she propped herself up on one elbow and rubbed her eyes sleepily in acknowledgment "Clarke I love you and I just want you to know that I think you're amazing and I think weather we 'rush' things or we take years to make a decision, I know that no matter what I'll still want to be with you, forever."

"Bellamy what's your-"

I cut her off and pulled something out of my pocket "Clarke, will you marry me?"

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