Chapter 10 (Clarkes POV)

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Between this chapter and the last one, there's going to be a time jump of about a month and a half. So yeah!😊 hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it✏️😘
I got up this morning, Bellamy already gone, lately he's been working later and starting earlier. He still hasn't found that gift that he's been wanting to buy whomever. I haven't talked to anyone about this, Octavia would hate me, Finn I can't even talk to without wanting to kill him, and my friends and family back in Phenix wouldn't care so I've been keeping everything inside my own head. I get up out of bed and go to take a shower, I've been living in Bellamy's apartment since the night before the crash, I should really start considering moving some of my stuff into Bellamy's to make it more permanent but especially since he's been going out to get that 'gift' every other night now, it's only made it harder for me to trust him and see our relationship as something real. Once I get out of the shower I put my hair up in a towel and wrap another one around me as I go look for some clothes to put on, then I grab the newspaper and start looking for job interviews. There was one for advanced art teacher at a high school, today at 5:30 . So I go through my day as I normally would and I start getting ready at 3:30. I made sure I had about an hour between the time I finished getting ready and the time I left because didn't have a ride and Bellamy took his car and my car broke down two days ago and is getting fixed. I decided to look through my old contacts and I see someone that might not actually hate me.

"Hey, Wells, it's Clarke."
"Hey, Clarke how have you been?"
"Good. I'm um, I'm good. Anyway, sorry for asking but would you mind driving me to a job interview?"
"Yeah, not a problem, what time do you have to be there by?"
"Uh 5:30."
"Ok cool I'll see you soon. Bye"
"Wait Wells."
"Do you hate me?"
"Hate you? For what? For leaving?"
"No! Clarke, we were best friends and yes I was mad but I know why you left, I understand, I would have too if my dad wasn't keeping me prisoner."
I laughed "ok good. I'm glad to know I still have a friend."
"Yeah, Clarke I'll always be there for you so don't be scared to ever call if something's wrong k?"
"K. Thanks."
"No problem. See you when I pick you up."
"Yeah, see you."

I hang up and I wait for Wells, he honked from outside I run out and get in his car. "Hey!" I said "it's good to see you!"

"Yeah, you look...nice."

"Um, thanks."

"Yeah, so where is the interview?"

"Uh, at Mount Weather High. There's an opening for advanced art teacher and I'm really nervous but also really excited at the same time."

"Thanks good, so um don't take this the wrong way...but I know something's wrong." He said, my heart sank thinking of Bellamy.

"No, nothing."

"Clarke" he paused still keeping his eyes glued to the road. "I know you, and I know there's something wrong something you're worried about besides the interview, I can see it in your eyes."

Tears stared to well up in my eyes and Wells pulls over into a parking lot "What are we doing here, I'll be late."

"Clarke there's something obviously wrong, and your happiness is top priority, defiantly above some interview. Clarke you can tell me anything."

"Wells..." Tears came dropping down my cheeks landing on my outfit and leaking through to my skin.

"Clarke come on, it's okay."

"I don't think it is Wells. Not right now."

"What do mean? Clarke please help me understand what's going on, I can try to help you."

"Well, I've been guy, and I really like him it's just-"

"Please tell me you didn't get back together with Finn because if you did-"

"No. No I would never,his name is Bellamy, and he's always so nice and perfect and he makes me feel special and he's always there for me no mater what a- an-and" I start crying even harder making it hard to talk.

"Clarke just breath calm down."

"He's been working longer hours at work and- and sometimes I-I don't see-see."

"Clarke you NEED to calm down, you're shaking and if you keep hipper ventilating like this then it's gonna eventually make it extremely hard for you to be able to just breath alone."

I take a moment to calm down before I continue "and sometimes I don- don't see him at all in one day, an- and he's been saying that he ne-needs to get a gift for someone but he- he won't tell me anything about it. Like who it's for or- or what it is." I start crying a little harder "and I want to trust him, Wells I do really." I try to focus on breathing "but it's so ha- hard, and I mean his family has said that um, that um he was like a player before. and I'm scared and I haven't ever fe- felt like this before an- and, I- I don't know why."

"Clarke, I think you're ok, trust me."

"But Wells I- I don't-"

"Look Clarke I know you better then anyone, except maybe Bellamy, but the point is, you overthink a lot! And the same thing happened with Finn and you told me that me how he was so perfect, and you're scared, and you want to think of the worst because now you know you have something to lose, and you know that it's 100% out of your control. And this is just your way of trying to brace yourself." I listened to what he said, he wasn't wrong, I was scared, and there was nothing I could do about it "it's 5:10 now if you really want to I can still get you to the interview on time." He said with a smile.

I had makeup running down my face, my eyes were bloodshot, and my cheeks were hot and red. I was a mess. "Thanks but...I think I'll just go home."

"Okay." Wells drives me back home and we sit in silence, but it was a comfortable silence. I wiped the makeup from under my eyes and Wells finally gets to my apartment. "Do you want me to walk up with you?"

"No I'm okay, thanks though. For everything." He nods his head, saying 'you're welcome' I get out of his car and I see Bellamy is just getting home. I run to him, I don't think I've ever been more excited to see him since the day I've meet him.

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