Chapter 5 (Clarke's POV)

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(Just so you don't get confused, this chapter is her dream...but you probably would have figured it out anyway.😁)
"Dad? What are you doing here, I thought you were-"

"Dead? Oh Clarke, I was never dead, I was always there for you."

"Always there for me? No, you left, you were dea- you are dead." Tears started to fill my eyes.

"Clarke, it's okay, calm down."

Suddenly my dad disappears and the room goes black.

"Clarke?" It was Bellamy, I try to yell and get him to come towards me, but no sound left my mouth. Bellamy finally walks towards me, and sits down next to me, and starts to cry. "Clarke. Please, please be okay."

"Bellamy, I'm fine, I'm right here." But he continued to cry, as if he didn't even hear me. "BELLAMY!" I yell as loud as I can, but he still continues to cry.

"Clarke, just please wake up soon okay? Please."

"BELLAMY! I'M RIGHT HERE!" I get angry and frustrated, why can he hear me? What's wrong with him? I scream and yell but he still doesn't hear me. I start to cry. I feel Bellamy plant a kiss on my forehead and walk away.

"See Clarke, it will be okay. You just need to wake up." I turn around and I see my dad, again.

"I am awake, what is wrong with you people, I. AM. AWAKE!"

"But Clarke, don't you realize?" Tears started filling his eyes now.

"Realize what? Dad, what's wrong?"

"Clarke, just wake up. You NEED to wake up!"  He disappears again and I sit down to think 'I need to wake up' what does he mean?

"SOMEONE PLEASE! WHAT'S GOING ON?" I yell but no one appears. I continue sitting down, listening to the darkness, and suddenly I hear beeps, and monitors running, people rushing around, some crying. It was familiar to me, the noises. I thought about where I've heard it before, but I couldn't figure it out. Then I realized I heard these in the hospital before my dad died, and it all made sense. Bellamy crying and not being able to hear me while my dad was able to hear me. I remembered the car accident with Bellamy. I thought to myself, trying to figure out how long I've been asleep and start crying, but my dad appears...again. At this point, now that I know, I didn't want to see him, I was scared of what he'd tell me.

"Clarke. I don't be sad. Don't cry

I look up at him "Dad?" I paused "am I...dying?"

"Clarke, no." I have a sigh of relief "but that's only because you know you have something to fight for, something to live for. But once you let go..." He stopped, he didn't have to continue, I knew what he was going to say. "Just don't let go okay?" I nodded and everything went black again and I slowly drifted to sleep.
Okay, I know this is a kinda weird chapter, maybe not that good. But I wanted to do a chapter like this so yeah!😬 I'll try to maybe do chapter 6 tonight too (and that'll be Bellamy's POV...obviously) but yeah, I hope you enjoy and please PLEASE leave feedback, I really wanna know what you guys think!!

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