Chapter 14 (Clarke's POV)

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Bellamy left, I had no idea where he went or why he seemed so mad at me I called Wells because at that point I was just done, I wanted to go home.

"Clarke? Why are you calling so late?"
"I um, I need someone to pick me up and take me home."
"Clarke, are you okay? Are you hurt?"
"What? No. I wasn't kidnapped I just can you pick me up?"
"Yeah where are you?"
"Uh 54 waterway rd. I think."
"Ok, I'll be there in like an hour and twenty minutes, k?"
"Yeah, ok. See you."
"Yeah, see you. Bye."

I waited for Wells, I couldn't believe that he'd drive all this way just to pick me up from some house. A stupid, beautiful, special house. Wells finally got there and I got in his car.

"So uh, what were you doing here?" He asked curious and a little confused.

"Well" I paused I wasn't sure I wanted to tell him, but he was my best friend. My only friend. "I was looking at houses and I um passed out cause I was so tired." I lied. I felt bad about not telling him, but then again I didn't know how he would react.

"Clarke, I'm not stupid. That's hardly an excuse, if you didn't wanna tell me you could have just said so." He smiled and looked over at me.

"Oh. Well um, I wanna tell you. I do! But I'm scared of what you might think." I said, I felt bad...again. I can't even trust my only friend that I have to not judge me

"Clarke, when you started dating Finn, everyone said it was a bad idea and that he was probably using you to get to someone else, and I thought that too. I'm not gonna lie, but do you remember what I said to you instead?" I nodded "good." He said firmly "and if you really don't wanna tell me that's fine, but I won't judge no matter what. Promise."

I took a deep breath "Wells," I paused "Bellamy brought me to that house to show me, because he wanted us to have it. But he woke up in the middle of the night terrified and shaking. I asked him what was wrong and he shut me out and just left." I paused again, looking at him "and I'm sorry."

Wells looked at me confused and then back onto the road "first of all, I'd ask his sister Octavia. That's her name right?" I nodded, I told Wells a few more things about Bellamy on our drive back from the interview that I never ended up making it to. "ok well ask her, she seems to know  a lot about him, he's probably opened up to her enough times for her to know what's going on. And second, why are you sorry?"

"Well I mean it's been less then 24 hours and I've come to you complaining about him twice now."

"Clarke, don't be sorry. Seriously. I love the fact that you finally decided to call me yesterday, and I'm so so happy to have my best friend back. I love all these complaints and problems that you've been telling me about, even if it was only twice, because life is so boring back I Phoenix and not one person acts like they have a single problem but what you call 'complaining' about Bellamy, gives me a taste of what's it's like to be free and have fun and God forbid make a mistake once in a while." I laughed a little bit knowing exactly what he was talking about and how he feels. He drove me home and we talked about his life and what he was doing, and I tried to convince him to get out of there, and move. He said he'd think about it, which made me happy.

Once I got out of his car I went up to my apartment, I didn't see Bellamy's car but even if he was in his apartment I didn't really wanna see him right now. I unlocked my door and plopped myself down on my bed and soon fell into a peaceful sleep.

I woke up the next morning, I was mad at Bellamy for not being able to trust me, with whatever was wrong last night and not only that but then he just drives away not even telling me where he was going or when he'd be back? I got a quick shower and put comfy shorts and a t-shirt on then I walked out of my apartment to go to Bellamy's. I got to his door and knocked, there was no answer, so I knocked a little louder, but when that didn't work ether I decided to call him

"The person you are trying to reach is not currently available."


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