Chapter 23

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Theres going to be some sexual content so if you feel uncomfortable reading that stuff just kinda skip it!😁 hope you enjoy...
Clarke's POV-
"Morning princes." Bellamy whispered in my ear, this was our third day at the beach, we were leaving in a few hours.

I sighed "good morning" I said as my lips met his. Slowly he moved his lips from mine to my neck as I moaned in pleasure

"You like that princess?" He asked smirking

"No." I said simply "I hate it."

"Then I suppose you hate this too." He said and he slipped his hand down my pants

I moaned his name louder then I did before "Bellamy..." But I couldn't find he words to finish my sentence as I closed my eyes and he kissed my neck, continuing to explore territory that was much familiar to him. It felt like heaven. "Bella..." I said again not even having the strength to finish his name.

"If you hate it so much," he paused letting the words slowly flow out of his mouth "just tell me to stop, but" he said pausing again "if you don't I won't." But the thing was that I didn't want him to stop, which was probably pretty obvious to him so I didn't say anything and there was a moment of silence besides my moaning before he continued  "that's what I thought." Bellamy said smirking. We continued picking up where we stopped last night.

He slipped himself inside of me "oh my god Bel." I said kissing him and biting his lower lip then moving to his neck and wrapping my legs around his waist to try to get the upper hand, but once he realized what I was trying to do, he slid further into me and placed himself on top of me.

"Don't think that it'll be that easy princess" he said

"Asshole" I said lightly hitting his shoulder and laughing slightly.

After a little bit we stopped and I laid beside him covering myself with the sheets that were on the bed looking at the ceiling. We were both breathing heavily. I decide to get up, so I walked across the room and grabbed my clothes.

"Leaving so soon" Bellamy said sitting up on the bed, I just looked a him "come on, you can't leave, I want you. I need you. Please come back." He said and I smiled "what?" He asked slightly confused

"I think that means I won." I whispered across the room just loud enough for him to hear me.

"Wanna bet?" He asked grinning slightly but still realizing that he was defeated. I nodded and he got out of bed and ran after me, but I got into the bathroom locking the door just in time. I came out five minutes later fully dressed.

"I hate you." He said still smirking

"Wanna bet?" I said throwing his words back at him.

"Absolutely." He said with his face close enough to mine for me to be able to feel his breath. He got dressed and we packed a few things that we didn't have the chance to yesterday.

"Well, for the record...I hate you too." I said smiling at him.
Bellamy's POV-
I looked over at Clarke as I got into the car getting ready to go back home. "So uh, what are you going to do when we get home?"

"I don't know," she said "I think I might move a few things to the house. Because I feel like we're just avoiding doing that, you know and I mean, I think we should move into the house like as quickly as possible." She said looking over at me "and you know something?"


"You're like really tan. Like, I'm jealous." She said laughing

I laughed with her "so, now that your first beach trip is finally was it?" I asked looking at her but then back at the road.

"Perfect." She said sighing with satisfaction

"I know, it was because of me, wasn't it? Like in those cliché romance movies where they say 'it doesn't matter where I am as long as I'm with you'." I asked laughing

"Yep, that's it." She said laughing with me.

I sighed happily "Clarke I love you."

"I thought you hated me." She said giving me a challenging look

"Wow, I'm, that hurt" I said putting one hand to my chest like she shot me

"Good." She said "butIloveyoutoo." She quickly blurted out mixing the words together as if it was going to make me unable to hear them

"Hold on wait what was that?" I asked grinning

"Shut up." She said

We got a dozen donuts from this one place on the way back and they were absolutely amazing they were soooo good. I suddenly realized I was going way over the speed limit and I got pulled over not to long after

"You know why I pulled you over?" The cop asked he had blonde hair and he looked really young.

"Because you wanted one?" I said holding up a donut Clarke was about to apologize for my 'immaturity and behavior ' "see Clarke don't be so uptight all the time, have fun every once in awhile." I said partially kidding partially being serious

"Whatever," she said smiling "you're an ass"

"Yeah, maybe" I said smiling wider "but you love me" I teased

"Yeah, unfortunately." She said rolling her eyes as her smile grew wider and I continued to drive
Oh. My. God. FOUR CHAPTERS IN A DAY!!!!!! Yeah, so I just have all these ideas and I would keep them as drafts but I'd get to anxious waiting to release them and so yeah, hope you enjoy!!!!!

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