Chapter 8 (Clarke's POV)

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It's been three days since I woke up, I've spent thirteen days at the hospital in total. The doctor said I was aloud to leave, but I needed to have a family member escort me out, and if I didn't have one I'd have to spend five more days laying in this damn hospital bed. I didn't know who to call, I haven't talked to my mother since we fought before I left, and my dad died a couple years ago, so I sat their debating what I should do. The nurse suddenly peaks her head through the door.

"Mrs.Griffin your fiancé is here, to check you out of the hospital. Should I escort him in to your room?"

My fiancé? "Uh...yeah, that'd be fine. Thank you?" I was so confused, I had no idea who was going to pop their head through the door, for a moment she thought it might have been Finn, using a desperate attempt to be able to see me.

She returned with Bellamy who walked in with a giant smile on his face, I had no clue what he was so happy about but it made me happy too. The nurse walks out of the room and Bellamy comes over and sits next to me.

"Fiancé?" I said as I laugh

He rolls his eyes "yeah, whatever. It's the only way that I could come see you past 'public visiting hours' and the only way you're getting out of here so, it's what I came up with." He pauses "sorry"

"No, it's fine. I thought I was funny, and cute. Anyway what are you so happy about?"

"Well, I can't wait to be able to spend time with you again and to be able to sleep next to you every night instead of sleeping on the couch over their." He gestures to the couch that he's slept on every night, except for last night. "And I kinda have something big planned." He said

After half an hour, I'm checked out of the hospital and I'm finally free, I change into a pair of clothes Bellamy brought me, and I lean on him and practically have him supporting me as we walked out to his car. The muscles in my legs hurt so bad, considering I haven't really moved them for the past two weeks, I couldn't even walk. We finally get to his car and he drives me back to the apartment building and carries you to his room and he stops outside the door "ok, so close your eyes k Clarke?"

"Why" I was curious, intrigued, and a little nervous of what was behind Bellamy's door

"Because I need you to, so come on please?" He begged

"Ok, fine I'll do it."

"And no peeking." I hear him say as he opens his door "ok, now open"

I open my eyes and look around, it had all my favorite foods and drinks he had one of my favorite shows pulled up on Netflix, I saw my pillow and blanket laid out neatly for me on the couch. The lights were dim but not to dark ether. "How did you- I mean where- who-" I was speechless, I couldn't believe he'd do something like that for me.

"You hate it don't you." He said with a grin

"Yeah, Bellamy I-I think we're gonna have a long talk about this, I think we might have to break up." I tease.

"Well that's too bad because now I have to eat all this food and and watch all these shows and movies all by myself" he laughed and set me on the couch.

We sat for hours watching supernatral, and we watched 50 first dates, and he showed me this one show he started watching while I was in the hospital called the 100, we watched the entire first season, unfortunately that's the only one they had on there "so when's the second season gonna be on Netflix?"

"Uh I don't know but um, season three airs in like February or something so I mean I'm pretty excited."

"Yeah, it's pretty good I like it." I yawned, I looked at the clock hanging on his wall and it was two in the morning.

"Well, I'm gonna go to bed cause I have work tomorrow, but um you can stay out here at keep watching Netflix."

He started to walk towards his bedroom "Bellamy wait."  He turned towards me in acknowledgment "take me with you. Please."

"Ok princess." He says and he picks me up and takes me into his room and lays me down on the bed and he wraps his arm around my waist. "Goodnight Clarke."

"Night Bellamy."
So what did you think?
I hope you like it and I hope you like how I added real references to the chapter like supernatral and the 100 so yeah! Bye guys👋🏼

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