Chapter 6 (Bellamy's POV)

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I was worried, so worried I didn't know what to do, I left her room because I couldn't even sit next to her without thinking of the worst, but I felt bad not being next to her, what if she wakes up and I'm not there, what will she think? I felt like the whole thing was my fault, if I was paying better attention maybe I could have missed the truck that hit us, it hit on Clarke's side.

I got up to leave the hospital to go get some coffee and a pair of clothes for her to change into once she woke up...if she woke up.

I didn't want Clarke to be alone here so I called Raven.

"Hey, Raven."
"Hey, you're um Octavia's brother right?"
"Yeah, I am. But I uh have a question to ask you."
"Yeah, anything for my best friend's brother."
"Would you mind coming to uh...the hospital?"
"What?! Why? Is Octavia okay? Is she hurt?"
"No, um, Octavia is fine but..."
"But, a friend of mine Clarke got into a car crash, and I wanted to get clothes for her and a coffee, but I don't want her to be alone."
"Yeah, I'll come, but what do you mean by friend?"
"I mean, honestly I don't really know. I mean, we both like each other, and we slept together last night. But PLEASE Raven, don't get the wrong idea, it's not like that. I've already heard it from-"
"Okay, yeah, fine I'll come. Just promise me Bellamy" She hesitated "you don't just like her out of pity."
"I don't I told you. I really like her, just will you come or not?"
"Okay, I just wanted to make sure, and yes I'll come"
"K, thanks. A lot. Bye"

Raven gets to the hospital and I leave to get Clarke's clothes, and I also packed a bag with other stuff that she might need, and coffee, I get one for Raven too, to thank her for coming and drive back to the hospital. I walk into the waiting room and look for Raven, instead I see my mother and Octavia.

"Raven told me about Clarke, I'm sorry. I didn't know it was like that." Octavia said after she walked up to me, I looked at my mom in the background but she was looking out the window, like she's disgusted being here. I knew she would be like that and that's why I didn't want her coming.

"Yeah, you wouldn't. But maybe if you trusted me and listened to a word that came out of my mouth you would." I pushed passed Octavia, I felt bad. I knew she had every reason to think that Clarke was just 'another girl' but I was still mad especially because she said something in front of Clarke. I walk up to the desk attendant.

"Um I'm here to see Clarke Griffin. Room 211."

"Um, I'm sorry sir, visiting hours are over, family only."

"I'm her...fiancé" I lied, but I knew that there was no other way I'd get to see her.

"Oh well, okay then follow me." She walks to Clarke's room

I hand the attendant the second cup of coffee that I was suppose to give to Raven, "uh, here. Just keep it" I was kinda upset that she left and called my mom and my sister without warning me, but whatever.

I sit down next to Clarke I gently grab her hand and hold onto it, tightly. I was sitting next to her almost crying so I decided to tell her every thing that I've never have. "Well, I'm not very good with speeches like this...or speeches in general but this will have to do. Clarke, I don't even know where to begin. You're wonderful, everything I've always wanted, and I have no clue why the hell you seem to like me so much, I mean I know that I've meet you not too long ago, but Clarke you-you're my world right now, you're funny, attractive, strong, sarcastic, and I love the way that we talk half the time like we're living in London in the 1800s, it's kinda fun, to be completely honest. And just another thing, I wanted to kill you when you dropped those boxes in front of my apartment at 6:00 in the morning, but then I opened my door, and I was speechless, you were breathtaking Clarke! You're everything that I've imagined in a girlfriend, or even a wife. And I'm so sorry, I'm sorry that I'm not good enough for you, I mean you're a princess, and I'm nowhere close to that, more like a peasant, and you deserve a king Clarke. You do. I just wish that- I wish that I was good enough for you." I pause, tears coming down my face at this point. "Clarke. I- I love you so much. So much that it hurts, and if I lose you...I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive myself and move on. Because Clarke, you're perfect, you really are." I said still gripping tight to her hand as I burry my face in the hospital bed.

I sat there for a solid two hours, maybe even three. "Bellamy." I pick my head up, it was Clarke "Bellamy, I swear to god if you ever give me another one of those speeches again, I kill you, you know that?"

I laugh through my tears "So I take it you're not a hopeless romantic?"

"Hell no." We both laugh, her eyes still closed. "How long have I been asleep?"

"I mean I don't know, that depends on when you decide to open your eyes."

"Haha, very funny, but seriously though, I wanna know."

"Uh about 10 days now. But, hey guess what?"


"My mom and my sister are here, they're in the waiting room."

"Oh, god, Bellamy, you really are funny, that was a good joke."

"Yeah, but uh the only thing is um, I'm not kidding."

She opens her eyes to look at me "so you're serious?"

"Yeah, I wasn't really that happy about it but whatever."



"I'm tired."

"You know what? So am I. I'll go lay on the couch, it's right next to your bed, so don't worry I won't be far away."

"Okay." She paused closing her eyes "I love you."

"I love you too, Clarke" I lay on the couch and fall asleep.
Hope you like the chapter!😊 but I gotta go to bed now so goodnight!😴😴

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