Chapter 26

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It's gonna be like about a week since the last chapter, and Clarke and Bellamy are gonna be going to his mom's birthday thing
Bellamy's POV-
I woke up next to Clarke and tightened my grip securely around her waist as she started to get up "wait." I said holding her down

"Come on Bellamy-"

"No I have to tell you something important."

"What?" She scowled and I could already see fire burn up in her eyes, without even having to look at them.

"You need to know, just take it." I said, she hasn't taken a pregnancy test and I know that she doesn't want the results to be negative, but I didn't expect her to just completely avoid it.

"Bellamy, I can't ok? Just please let me get up." She groaned

"Only if you take a pregnancy test."

"Bellamy, I just-"

"Look, if it comes up negative, then we can try again, it's not that big of a deal." I said rubbing the small of her back.

"Fine, just let me go, and I'll do it." She sighed getting up and walked towards the bathroom. She came out a few minutes later "Bellamy..." She said in a sad voice I walked up to her embracing her in my arms.

"Shh, it's okay." I said comforting her "it will be okay."

"I know, because," she paused and I looked down at her "because it's positive!" She exclaimed putting a smile on her face and wrapping her arms around me. I spun her around in my arms and set her back down on the ground. I smiled at her and she smiled back at me. "You're going to be a great dad!" She said before her lips mine.

"Oh my god." I said taking a breath out, embracing Clarke again taking in as the realization hit me. I laughed a bit and she did too.

"Well I'm going to go get ready. What time do we have to be there by?" She asked

"Be ready by 11:00, it's at 11:45" I said as I looked at the clock '9:17' remembering the time she yelled at me before getting ready before my mom's gathering, even though she ended up looking amazing anyway.


"What? Only have an hour and 43 minutes? I know." I said looking at her, smirking. And she smiled too. "Oh wait 9:18, another minute wasted...what a shame."

"You planned this, didn't you?" She asked suspicious

"Nope, just fate." I paused "and a little bit of luck." I said partially not believing that I got this luckily as to relive that moment in time.

"Well I think your 'luck' ran out and your charm wore off." She said

"Oh no! Please, Clarke I beg of you, please come with me." I pleaded sarcastically she rolled her eyes and ran off to get ready.
Clarke's POV-
I came out and then walked out the door with Bellamy's arm around me, holding me. We got in the car to drive to the restaurant. "So, when we announce it, September 5th is the date, right?"

"Yeah. Oh, and I called your mom and invited her, I hope you're okay with that, I mean now that we're like announcing it, even though she already knows, I think she should be there."

"Oh yeah, it's fine, I was going to, but I kinda forgot. Thanks." I said

"So are we telling them anything else?" Bellamy questioned hinting to the soon to be third member to our family

"I think we should, but I'm not sure." I said in a low voice waiting for him to make the true final decision.

"Well, if it was up to me, I would." He said looking over at me.

"Ok, well then let's do it, let's tell them." I said confidently

"Ok, I mean you sure? I didn't mean to decide for you, I was just-"

"Yes, Bellamy. I'm sure." I said reassuring him that he didn't make me choose to decide anything, that I wanted what he did, because now, we were a team.

"Well, I guess it's a good thing I invited your mom the because it's not really a 'over the phone' topic" he said

"Yeah, me too!" I said giving him a smile and giving him a confident reassuring  squeeze to his hand, as we kept driving towards the restaurant.
Clarke's pregnant! I guess you kinda saw it coming? And sorry for a shorter chapter then usual but it's the second one today, so yeah, hope you enjoyed, and don't forget to comment and vote!🌟💬

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