Chapter 12 (Clarke's POV)

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I feel Bellamy shake me awake, I must have fallen asleep, I wake up and see the clock in his car read 8:48 "Clarke, we're here, wake up."

I open my eyes fully and look up, I gasp "Bellamy I-I'm-"

"Speechless" he asked, I nod "yeah, I know. I thought you might like it." There was a long silence as I just sat their looking at it "wanna go inside?"

I look from the beautiful white shingled house back to him "really?"

"Yeah, come on."

I got out of the car and I started on the walkway, the house had white shingles with a stone foundation and tall windows. The walkway was boarded with flowers and when you got to the stairs to get up to the door there are trees. I walked through the door and the house had wooden floors and a spiral staircase. I was beautiful. I looked around admiring it with Bellamy following me as I stared at every inch of it in awe.

"So do it."

"Bellamy, I love it...but...why?"

"I just, you've been living in my apartment for the past few weeks and haven't even opened the door to you your apartment unless your getting clothes and I even with the small amount you bring over every week, my closest is stuffed and I knew that as it became more permanent we would need something that can hold both my stuff and yours and I knew we'd have to get a house eventually, if..."

"If what?" I asked already knowing what he was going to say, but I wanted to hear it from him

"Well if in a year or two we decide to get married and you know have mini kings and queens."

I go up to him and I kiss him and then pull away "Bellamy. I love it so much and I can't wait to officially move in with you." He kisses me and I open my mouth deepening the kiss.

He pulls away, resting his forehead on mine "You know princess," He pause to catch his breath "there's a bed upstairs."

I hit his arm teasingly "Bellamy!"

"What?" He laughs and kisses me again "Can you honestly say that you weren't thinking the same thing?"

"No, but wait if- don't you have work tomorrow?"

"Clarke?" He pulls his body away from mine, but he kept his arms wrapped around me "what's wrong, did something happen?"

"No it's just." I sigh "I feel like everything's being so rushed, and I'm scared. I don't want to do that with you. I mean we've only know each other for like almost two months and I just- I don't wanna rush things and then ruin everything we have."

"Oh," he pauses "what about the house?"

"You better keep this house, because this is fucking perfect." We both laugh and then I stop "Bellamy, can we sleep here tonight?"

"But I thought you we planing to go home after the surprise, remember?"

"Well if you really want to..." Bellamy shakes his head and we walk up the staircase the upstairs was even more beautiful then downstairs. I walk into the bedroom and the bed was already made, with the most comfortable blankets and pillows "goodnight Bellamy."

"Goodnight Clarke."
Ok really short chapter I know, I promise the next one will be longer, I just wanted to share the surprise with you guys!!😆 and I hope you liked the chapter.

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