Chapter 32

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Clarke's POV-

We got to the reception which was located in the orchard of Aurora's house. (Idk know if that's Bell's mom's name...I don't even know if she has a name, so if she does just comment, letting me know. Thanks!) It was beautiful. The sun was setting and the sky was a beautiful pink, yellow, orangish color and their were kids of family members running around chasing games with each other, making me think of my child and the amount of children I want to have. My baby bump wasn't really that noticeable, and I didn't have to get a special-made dress to fit me, but to me the little bump meant the world. I wrapped my arm around Bellamy's and rested my head on his shoulder as we walked together.

"Bell, how many kids do you want?" I asked as we took our seats at the table. Bellamy and I decided not to have a seating plan, because we wanted our families and friends to be together and mix around with each other on their own terms. We figured with everybody having a choice to where they sit, that there would be no problems.

"Well" He paused thinking for a moment "Maybe 3. You?"

"I was thinking more like 4 or maybe 5."I responded

"Wow. Ambitious."

"Yeah, well that's me!" I exclaimed jokingly "Um, but I mean, I don't know, maybe I'll change my mind."

"Well, if they end up being all girls...we can't stop till we have at least one prince."

"Ok, fine but we have to have at least one princess too. I mean its only fair."

"Oh, absolutely!" he exclaimed and we both laughed enjoying the company of each other "I love you Clarke." he leaned into me and brushed his lips against mine, I saw a camera flash meaning that the wedding photographer must have been 'capturing the moment' and I felt Bellamy's lips curl into a smile and footsteps signaling that the photographer walked away to capture something else that was worth looking back on and keeping in mind.

"I love you too Bellamy. So much." and honestly, I did. I loved him so much I don't think I'd ever be able to say it enough times for me to truly be able to express it. I leaned back in this time letting our lips connect for a little bit longer and harder and then Bellamy was about to move to my neck, until I pulled away. "Should we go somewhere, or I mean, don't you think we should stay here and at least try to behave somewhat maturely until the end?" I asked looking him straight in the eye, knowing that we should stay here, with our friends and family, because they were here for us, even though I wanted nothing more to run upstairs into a bedroom with Bellamy closing the door behind us.

"Yeah, you're right." He sighed "When does this thing end anyway?"

"It just started half an hour ago. We still have 3 hours to go."

"Wow. That's- um-"

"Yeah I know, but I promise, if you wait, I'll make it completely worth it." I whispered as I leaned in next to his ear so only he could make out the words that were leaving my mouth "so behave!" I added, still continuing to whisper.

"Ok, well, I'm going to go catch up with a few family members and friends to keep my mind off you."

"Oh, yeah, keeping your mind off me? Good luck with that." I laughed

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." He joked as he started walking off backwards slickly turing around just in time to miss a try of food that was being carried to a table I laughed as he vigilantly looked at his surroundings, making sure he wouldn't run a chance of bumping into someone or something.

"I'm really glad you're happy Clarke! Seriously, I am!" I turn around being face to face with a friend of mine I haven't seen in at least five years, if not more.

"Gabby! What are you doing you doing here!?!" I exclaimed

"Well, I heard you were getting married and as your former bestie it was my duty to show up, honestly I thought you were so independent and confident with who you are on your own, I thought you'd never get married." she paused "No offense"

"No, none taken! Ugh! You should have told me you were going to be here though!! I would have made you one of my bride's maids!"

"I know, but I remember how much you enjoyed surprises, so here I am. Oh and I loved your vows!" she chuckled

"Thanks" I laughed with her "But oh my gosh, its so good to see you!!"

Me and Gabby sit down talking for at least an hour, going on and on about our lives and how it's been since we've parted. She told me about a guy she dated, Jack and she got married to him about two years ago. Then I noticed Octavia walk up to us.

"Hey, O! This is a really good friend of mine, Gabby!"

"Hey, nice to meet you."

"Yeah, you too. So you're Bellamy's sister right?"

"Yep! That's me!" Octavia exclaimed

Then Octavia, Gabby, and I had discussions about our families and relationships and Octavia and Gabby seemed to be almost like personality twins, which was kinda weird but cool. They ended up getting along really well, they started talking in their own conversations about somethings I've never heard of before and then when they realized me sitting there with a bewildered expression they apologized and told me everything about what they were saying.

"Am I interrupting anything?" Bellamy questioned coming up to us.

"Actually..." I started my response "I believe you are."

"And what might I be interrupting?"

Then Octavia spoke up "We were just having a fun time together, thats all."

Then he turned to Gabby "Hey, you look familiar, do you have a sister or something? Someone else in you family I'd know?"

"Um, probably not. A lot of people say I look like someone they know, its kinda weird. You wouldn't believe some of the creepy and strange people come up to me asking me if I know them." We all laughed including Gabby

"Yeah, that sounds kinda awful..."

"Wow, way to describe that Bell." Octavia stated sarcastically

"Whatever, hey can I borrow you for a second?" He asked turning to me

"Sure." I got up from the table following Bellamy through a mist of people. "What's up?"

Bellamy leaned in kissing me "I just wanted to spend time with you. I mean after all, my friends are boring the life out of me and theres only an hour left, so how about we take some pretty 'special' wedding photos?"

"Yes! Let's do it!" I exclaimed

Bellamy and I grabbed our closest friends and family who showed up and took what he calls 'special' photos, and special was the only word I had for them. One of them I ended up on Bellamy's head. Octavia said she used to cheer and that she wanted to put me up in a stunt so Gabby, Bellamy, and Octavia put me in the air as a 'flyer' and I was scared af, but once I got down I laughed about how terrified I really was, even though it was only like 5 feet up which is actually only as tall as me so it was ok.

Then it finally ended and Bellamy was driving me back to our house and the last thing I thought before I fell asleep was the first day I met Bellamy, and the time I knew that I'd be living this moment, with him.

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