Chapter 25

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Bellamy's POV-
The door closed and Clarke walked over to me where I was cleaning up after dinner. "But do you think so too?"

"Well, yeah, of course." She replied with a laugh

"Wow! That was hurtful princess, I'll get you back for it." I promised

"I don't even know what the question was about, and I'm pretty sure whatever it was, I picked the right answer. But I'd like to see you try." She stated with a teasing grin.

"Oh, don't worry, I will." I started laughing and I sprayed whipped cream all over her face.

"Ugh! Bellamy!" She had a firm low tone in her voice, and I stood there about to apologize for doing that "just kidding" she said laughing as she placed spaghetti sauce in my hair.

"I always wanted to dye my hair red, I think it'll look nice."

Pretty soon me and Clarke were covered in food, the pie we had for dessert, we threw meatballs at each other like 9 year olds would throw snowballs at each other. We had a hell of a mess to clean up. Suddenly my door opened and Octavia stepped through into my apparent.

"Um ok, am I interrupting something?" She questioned with a giggle

"No not at all," I paused walking towards her "we were um, just...HOPING YOU'D JOIN US!!" I said grabbing her arm and pulling her into our mess she screamed and tried to get out but then she started throwing food at me and my sister and Clarke teamed up together to take me out.

"I welcome you to the Hunger Games." Octavia said impersonating Effie "may the odds be ever in your favor!"

We all laughed continuing to have a food fight in my kitchen and I wrapped my arms around Clarke's waist and lifted her off the ground as she squealed. "Told you I'd get you back princess." I whispered in her ear and she just kept playfully hitting me to get down. I finally put Clarke down as she gave me a glare that turned into a grin. She exchanged glances with Octavia and before I knew it I was drenched in spaghetti.

"And a little whipped cream for the finish." Clarke announced trying not to laugh as she put the finishing touches on my 'look'

We stood there in the kitchen no one saying a word just everyone starring each other down. I looked a at Clarke and spaghetti was intertwined in her hair and she had pie all over her face the cherry filling making it look like she was bleeding, with spaghetti sauce helping out with that. Then I looked at my sister who had pieces of meat all throughout her hair, her clothes drenched with sauce.

"Well, I believe that I need a shower now, so I'm going to do that now," I started walking away, about to enter the bathroom "and Clarke" I paused as she looked at me "your welcome to join." I offered

"No," she firmly said, giving me a look "I'm good though, thanks." She said sarcastically sitting down at the kitchen table in front of my sister
Clarke's POV-
"So Octavia, how have you been."

She sighed "good, I mean I just came over to say 'hi', I mean I got greeted a bit differently, but that was cool." She laughed

"Yeah," I paused swallowing "oh, how are things with you and Lincoln?"

"Yeah, good, their um good." She said breathing almost as heavily as I was. Suddenly she gasped "OH MY GOD!" She basically screamed

"What?!" I asked concerned, looking around me to see what she saw.

"You're getting married to Bellamy?!" She stated a little quieter already knowing the answer

"Oh" I breathed smiling, looking down at my finger. "Yeah."

"Oh my god, that's amazing! I mean, that's awesome! Do you know when?"

"I'm actually not sure, I think maybe like this November! I'd like it to be August, but that's like literally in a month and that'd be like next to impossible so, yeah." I sighed anxiously

"Well, I mean November would be like a year for you guys, right?" Octavia asked

Oh my god, I thought realizing. A year, "actually September, but you know."

"Oh, well have you thought about September? I think that'd be cute, you know? I mean I'm not trying to boss you around...I'm just saying." She said innocently

"Yeah, I know. Maybe." I sighed. Octavia left and Bellamy got out of the bathroom, "I should have joined you" I said wrapping my arms around him

"Well, thanks to you, now I need another one." He chuckled as I reached up and kissed him

"I love you." I spoke directly into his shoulder

"I love you too," he paused looking down at me as I looked up "are you ok Clarke"

"Yeah, I'm great, actually." I said kissing him again "and hey what about September?" I spoke quietly still looking up at him

"Yeah, I mean, that'd be a year, right?" He asked looking down at me, and I looked up at him realizing how much I love him, and I couldn't believe that in two months it'll be a year

"Yeah." I answered "and Bellamy?" I asked


"I want a child, with you. But I don't know if I want to be pregnant while I'm getting married, because I don't feel like getting fitted for a dress and having to worry about a baby bump, I know it sounds selfish but I don't want everyone looking at me and thinking-"

"Clarke, if we do the wedding early September, it won't be a problem, trust me and considering September 5th is a year for us, it will be fine. And if people do notice, and give you off looks, then just look for me because every day I look at you like a princess, and I can't wait until, I can make you my queen." He said smiling. I took his hand gently pulling him into the bathroom raising my eyebrows. "Oh really? Now?" He asked still smiling. I bit my bottom lip and nodded.
Well....😁 Ahh! So excited to write the next chapters! And I might be able to update tomorrow, but I'm not sure, cause I have this gathering thing to go to tomorrow, but I will try my best! I might update a second chapter today, but I'm a little sleepy so possibly not as well, sorry! Love all of you! I mean it!😘😍

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