Chapter 13 (Bellamy's POV)

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Ok so Bellamy ends up being a complete ass in this chapter! Sorry!😥
"So Clarke, what should we do today?" I said grinning. She just sat their silent. "C-Clarke?" I said nervously looking at her "CLARKE! LOOK AT ME, SAY SOMETHING." I yell but she continues to stare straight. Suddenly something hits me and the scene changes I'm inside the hospital waiting room sitting in a chair.

"Mr.Blake" the doctor calls my name "may I speak with you for a moment?"  I walk up to him. "Please follow me." He says as he leads me to his office. "Now Clarke-" he starts, I cut him off.

"Is she ok? What happened? Is she awake?" I say earnestly. The doctor bows his head in pity and looks back at me. "Is she..." I didn't want to say it.

"I'm sorry, sir, I truly am, but you knew that there was no chance in her actually making it right? Didn't you?"

I jumped over the desk pinning the doctor to the wall "if you ever say something like that again I swear it will be the last thing out of your mouth." Security rushes in the room and pulls me out I see Clarke's room as they were dragging me out. It was empty except for one thing a sweater. It was hers and I tried to fight against the security men to grab the sweater, I almost got there but they grabbed me again and a nurse walks in and grabs the sweater and crumpled it up and burned it until their was nothing but ashes

"CLARKE!" I scream, I realize it was just a nightmare, I've had them since I woke up after the accident, when I found out she was still unconscious I couldn't bare it. I've dreamt of many ways of losing her and this wasn't even close to the worst one. I sat on the edge of the bed, every inch of my body shaking in fear. I feel Clarke sit up next to me.

"Bellamy, are you ok? What's wrong?" She asked rubbing her eyes sleepily and placing a hand on my shoulder

"Yeah I'm- I'm fine" I said giving her a weak smile to reassure her.

"Bellamy." She paused and sighed "I know you, I see tears in your eyes without even needing to look at you. I heard you scream my name and I felt your arm around me shaking in terror. You need to tell me what's wrong. Please Bellamy."

"I just can't right now ok? Just leave me alone."

"Bellamy, I'm serious you can trust me, it's the only way I'll be able to help."

"Clarke, I said no! I told you that I don't wanna talk to you about it, but you continued to try to get me to open up to you! Clarke you just need to back off, a lot! I don't need you!" I lashed out yelling at her and I shrugged her hand off my shoulder, I saw the hurt in her eyes after I said that but I ignored it, it was hard, it pained me to see her like that but I couldn't let her know that I let her die every night in my dream. I stood up "I'm leaving ok? Don't try to stop me."

I got up and put my pants and shirt on and got in my car, I didn't know where I was going but I had to get away. All the sudden my phone rings, Miller calls me.

"Hey what's up?"
"Hey! Bellamy, I didn't think you'd be up!"
"Yeah I uh- what do you want?"
"You should come over."
"Uh I don't-"
"Come on! Bellamy it'll be fun, it might be the only time before you get tied down with that Clarke girl of yours."
Her image popped in my head, of when I first met her, of when she was in the hospital, and especially of her hurt eyes when I left tonight. "What do you mean?" I ask finally responding
"I mean I have drinks and two beautiful, loving girls over here, oh and I also have a spare  bedroom."
I heard giggles coming through the phone as he said that. "I just" I sighed "I don't know if I should."
"Bellamy I hear your tires running on the road, obviously Clarke's not with you, and you're up without her for some reason, so come over, I'll make sure she never finds out."
But could I do that to her, lie to her about that? I know I probably shouldn't, and I didn't want to even have to imagine her face if she ever found out...but on the other hand how would she find out, it'll be 5 minutes and I've been missing having fun with Miller like I used to lately "yeah, uh, maybe I will come over."
"Good! See you here then."
"Yeah I guess you will."

I hung up and I made a U turn heading to Miller's house.
Sorry!😩I know but I felt like I needed something to make it a bit more interesting!! So sorry guys!😁 and just so you know Bellamy might not cheat on Clarke but I hope you enjoyed!

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