Chapter 30

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Ok, so this will be the wedding chapter so I hope you enjoy it!! Ahh! I'm so excited to write this chapter! Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it!! 


Clarke's POV-

September 5th, 2015...

I was breathing heavily, I was absolutely freaking out. "Oh my god I can't do it. I'm scared, please I don't know what to do." I almost had tears running down my face. I was feeling so many emotions at once it was too overwhelming.

"Ok sweetie, just calm down." My mother gripped my hand while rubbing my back to try to calm my nerves. I tried taking deep breaths. In and out. In and out.

"How's she doing?" Sarah asked. She was a friend of mine from Phoenix. Wells got every one together and when they heard that I was getting married they freaked out and got super excited. 

"She's fine she's just...just..." My mom started, unsure what to say next.

"Nervous and scared af." I finished my mother's sentence. "I feel like I can't breath like its 90 degrees and I-I- do you think Bellamy even wants to do it anymore?"

"Of course he does! You asked him that time and time again the entire week before! He wouldn't be here today if he didn't love you."

"She's fine, she just needs to breath." Ashely spoke up

"Yes, I think so too!" My mother exclaimed clearly agreeing with her "Do you want any water?" My mom offered

"How 'bout a drink. Just the entire bottle." I responded, which made pretty much everyone that could hear it laugh a little, including me.

I was getting my hair pinned up by someone my mom brought in who was apparently this amazing wedding hair person or whatever, I didn't even remember her name because the entire time my mom was telling me about her I was in my own little world freaking out beyond belief. I was gripping my mom's hand as tightly as possible and I knew it was hurting her at least a little bit, but I couldn't loosen my grip for the life of me, I could hardly even focus on breathing. So the fact that my mother was telling me about this lady expecting me to actually remember anything about her, made her almost insane. I was practically completely oblivious to my surroundings and who was talking half the time. I was happy, sad, scared, nervous, thrilled, anxious, worry free, tired, stressed, relaxed, calm with so many other feelings mixed in between. I wasn't even sure how that was even possible.

"Clarke? Clarke!" My mother was yelling in my face, I must have looked about ready to pass out or something because she looked worried.

"What? I'm fine I'm fine, I just- I'm fine, trust me." I reassured her.

"Ok, Im worried about you though, you don't look too good. Anything you need, I can you." She looked up at me with worried eyes and I gave her a soft smile trying to reassure her even though with the look on her face, it was probably hopeless.

"I just need-" I was cut off.

"I think she looks absolutely astonishing. Just breath taking." Bellamy. I let out a relived sigh and I got up to walk to him in a robe and bare feet and I threw my arms around him, he did the same and I rested my head on his shoulder. "How's my queen doing?" he whispered in my ear as everyone else stood in silence, ether watching me and him in complete bliss or involved in their own thing, like looking at a text or something.

"Bellamy, I love you." I whispered back letting him know how relived I am that he was here in his pjs.

"Hey, I got burgers. Their your favorite." he exclaimed continuing to keep his voice at a whisper, so only I could hear it as he continued to hold me in his arms. And then I felt peace and happiness. Nothing else. I was so happy when I was with him, and his presence reassured me of anything I thought would go wrong. "and I love you too Clarke. Just calm down ok?"

"How did you even know that I- like who-"

"Sarah texted me, she said you needed to calm down, and that no one here was able to help you." he paused "So here I am."

"Well, I'm glad that we have at least one person in this room who can read my mind because everyone else seemed to be completely clueless except for the fact that I was freaking out, asking me if I needed water over and over, when all I needed was you."

 "I gotta go, ok? Love you." He gave me a tight squeeze before pulling back and handing me my burger and a soda. I was so in the mood to eat something right now, I was so worn out from being panicked that now that I was finally calmed down a little I realized how hungry I was.

"Thank God for me right?" I hear Sarah call out 

I let out a happy and amused sigh "Yeah, thank God for you, I was on the verge of craziness, so thank you." I went up to her and offered some of my frys and a little less then half of my burger and soda.

"No, you really don't have to-"

"Are you hungry?" I asked cutting her off

"Yeah, but I can get something for myself don't worry abo-"

"No, I want to. You're the reason why I'm not going crazy pulling my hair out." I paused "Well, actually Bellamy is, but you got him to me so..." I smiled at her pulling her over to where I was getting my hair done before Bellamy showed up.

"Ok, I guess. Thanks though, anyway." We sat down and she someone else got started on her hair as the same lady from before continued on mine.


OK, so I'm going to do Bellamy's POV of the ceremony and then Clarke's at the reception, then, I don't think theres anything after that besides like going home, but if there is then that'll be Bellamy's obviously. So yeah!

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