Chapter 9 (Bellamy and Clarke's POV)

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I decided to make Bellamy a police man so...yeah. Just so you know.
My alarm went off at 7:30 Clarke shifted, but she was still asleep. I slowly  try to get up and move my body without her noticing. I jump in the shower and went out into the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee.

"BELLAMY!" I hear Clarke yell from my room all the way to the kitchen

"HOLD ON! COMING!" I yell back to her placing my coffee down on the counter and walk towards my room. "You okay?"

"Yeah, but how am I gonna get around and make myself food if I can't walk?"

I thought for a minute "I can sit you on the couch with a gallon of sweet tea, bags of chips and boxes of cookies."

"Ok, well, what if I need to pee?"

I laugh "Clarke."


"I need to go to work today, I haven't for like the past week because I wanted to be in the hospital with you."

She sighs "I know."

I picked her up and carried her to the living room and put her on the couch "I'll be back at 12:30 for my lunch break and I be home at 7:00, but if something's wrong, like REALLY wrong just call me okay?"

She nodded. I continued getting ready, I put on my uniform and badge, then headed out the door "bye Princess"

"Bye Blake, see you later."

I get to work and meet up with my partner Miller.

"Sup Miller."

"Heyy, Bellamy. I heard you got yourself a girl." He raises his eyebrows "what's she like?"

I laugh "well, I really like her and if you must know I think she's perfect."

"Oooo." Miller laughs and I give him my 'whatever just stop talking look'

"So what are we suppose to be working on anyway?" I asked him

"Well, we had this one case come in earlier today, but another team got it, so the rest of us are just pretty much sitting around here waiting for something to do."

"Oh. Ok. So uh, how'd you find out about Clarke anyway?"

"Oh Murphy told me. He told me not to tell you he said anything though"

Bellamy left a while ago and I've been sitting on the couch all day doing nothing but eating and watching Netflix all day I had fifteen more minutes till Bellamy got home and and needed to pee, badly. I tried standing up, but I could hardly lift my ass off the couch and my legs turned to jello. I got off the couch and onto the floor sliding my butt across it to try and reach the bathroom I'm halfway there and Bellamy unlocks the door and walks in.

"Clarke you uh, okay?"

"Yeah, I just need to pee really badly and you weren't getting home fast enough, so I improvised." We both laugh and he picks me up and carried me the rest of the way to the bathroom so I could pee and then carried me back out into the living room on the couch. "So how long is your lunch break?"

"Um, actually some of the guys got the rest of the day off and there were no calls, so most of us sat and played paper football then entire time and drove around with donuts and coffee. So yeah I don't have work till tomorrow, but I need to go somewhere though, to pick something up."

"Oh cool, who's it for?"

" one."

"Mm hmm, I believe that one." I said raising an eyebrow and we both giggled

"Okay, well I'm going to leave now, it might be maybe two hours before I get back, maybe three. I'm sorry I know but it-"

"It's fine go." He got up gave me a kiss and then hurried out the door. I was actually scared that he was going to meet up with another girl, I mean I wanted to trust him but, what could take him two to three hours just buying a gift for someone. I wanted to call Octavia to maybe keep an eye on him, but I couldn't let her know I didn't trust Bellamy. I thought about who I could call but I didn't think of anyone an hour and a half later Bellamy came through the door. "Hey, you're back!"

"Yeah, I didn't want to take too long, I didn't want you to be alone that long without me, I felt bad."

"Don't, I was did you find what you wanted to?"

He looked up at me "No, I'm- I'm sorry, I might go back out on Wednesday or whenever you can start to walk on your own."

"Oh." I was scared, he told me he was going out and is gone for almost two hours and doesn't find what he needs?? What if he was seeing someone behind my back, I mean what else could take him so long...

"Clarke I know, I really am sorry, but once you find out what this gift is, trust me, you'll understand completely, I promise." He paused "I mean you do trust me right?"

"Yeah, absolutely. Why wouldn't I?" I mean you were only gone for almost two hours looking for a gift and came back completely empty handed with nothing, and you can't even tell me who it's for or what it is....but hey, why would I be worried?

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