#1 The Transfer

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Pray and finish all your duties before you settle to read this, please. :)

Without further ado, here is the first chapter.


#1 The Transfer

"Mom. You cannot do this to me! You cannot uproot me and take me back to that stupid place!"

As if yelling would make any difference. Once my mom made up her mind, she would never look back. Doesn't mean I would stop fighting for my cause. This one decision of hers would change my life. For. Ever. Period.

"Junaina, there is no point in arguing. You are going to Ashiana and you are going to live with your Daadi until I see it fit for your return. This matter is not open for discussion."

Saying that she left the room, leaving me alone. All my world was shattering around me and I couldn't do anything to stop it. If only Mom had not returned home early from her conference. If only Sam had left before Mom came. I wish she hadn't caught us together. I wish she hadn't seen us together, making out right in front of her as she stepped in.

It is not like she's ever home at that time or any time for that matter. She was always going for medical conferences around the globe or performing yet another surgery. She just had to come back from Canada when I was having some fun.

Dad was the more lenient parent. Usually he helped get me off the hook when I got into trouble with Mom. But this time he just supported her. I felt betrayed. What happened to staying together through thick and thin?

Truth be told, I was scared when I saw Dad's face after he heard the news. I had never seen him angry and he looked like he was ready to kill someone. I couldn't look up into his eyes even though I felt the need to defend my actions.

Mom on the other hand, scolded me until she saw it was pointless and confined me to my room. She also confiscated my phone and other devices. I was growing bored by the minute when Dad came in.

For the first time since the whole thing happened, I was nervous. I didn't feel guilty about anything before. But, I was starting to feel dread in my heart. My gut was screaming at me that I'm done for.

And I was.

"You're sixteen years old Juni. Forgive me for thinking that you'd be responsible with the freedom I gave you."

Those were the very first words he spoke to me after hours of silence.

I felt a little bad, but then, what did being sixteen have to do with responsibility? I'm still young!

"I don't need to remind you that you cannot touch boys who are not mehram."

Uh oh. I was hoping he wouldn't spew the religious crap, but I could see a lecture coming.

"It is not like we have forced you into wearing purdah and hijab and niqab and asked you to sit at home. We let you be with your appearance and with your life. And this is how you have repaid us."

I looked down and kept wringing my hands. I hated when Dad gave this kind of talks. It made me feel all squirmy and wrong. I didn't like it.

"We are already sinning alot child. Shouldn't we try to lessen them? Your mother and I are not the greatest examples, but we want our children to rise up and above us. Is that asking for too much?"

I stayed nonresponsive. Seeing that it was of no use, my Dad got up and walked to the door. He paused, held the doorknob and said, "You're lucky that your Mom hasn't dealt you a stricter punishment than confiscating your devices. We are sending you back to Salimabad though. You're going to continue your high school there."

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