#32 The Mess

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Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu...

I finally got around to finishing this. I'm warning you first hand, be prepared for lots of drama.

#32 The Mess

Next morning I woke up to good and bad realizations.

The first thing I saw when I woke up was my coffee table. It was looking oddly lumpy and disfigured and glittery in places. For a moment I thought I was still asleep and dreaming about some weird version of Ashiana that was all distorted.

Then I realized that there were presents on the  table. All the forgotten Eidi from yesterday.

Squealing and jumping out of my bed I rushed to the pile. There were gift bags from all the elders. Dadi had given me a collection of Imam Bukhari's Ahadith. Chachi had gotten me earrings and there was a dress from both my Phuppis. Bhai practical joker that he was, had given me an old 500 rupees note with a write up  saying 'Don't tell me I never got you any souvenirs.'

Even Di had gotten me something. And apart from Dadi's gift, it was my favorite. It was 'Fortress of the Muslim', a book that contained duaas from the Qur'an and the Prophet (S. A. W)'s Sunnah.

Dad had gotten me a new sketchbook and paints. It's been such a long time since I last drew or painted, it almost feels like I've lost touch with colors. Strangely enough, I never drew people or animals. That was one of Dad's only restrictions I followed. Occasionally I drew eyes or just a hairdo. But apart from that, I only drew landscapes or abstract stuff.

With a resolve to get back in touch with my creative side, I went to my desk and put the sketchbook and paints where I could see them.

And that was when the second realization hit me.

I was late for school. Again.

And not just that, I had forgotten to pack my bags and set my assignments neatly into files for submission. It was Wednesday, which meant Saira ma'am had first class. And that was my only saving grace. She would understand my excuse and probably extend the submission time for me until lunch. But Rahma ma'am would skewer me if I asked for so much as five minutes more.

So I quickly I set my history project on the 1857 sepoy mutiny in order and did a plain cover page instead of the stylized one I had planned. I knew there was a reason not sleeping after Fajr is beneficial.

Rahma ma'am may be devoid of mercy, but at least she did give marks based on content. I had taken great care to do proper research and then write the project.

With little more than twenty minutes left, I rushed through my morning routine almost at the speed of light. I only had time to grab a piece of toast and finish my coffee in a single gulp before leaving. Samar was already gone.

'Wait up!' Di shouted wheezing, just as I had gotten past the main door.

'No time Di… I'll miss the bus and Samar never tells the uncle to wait for me!' I ranted.

She blocked my way and thrust a foil package in my hand.

'I just wanted to give you your lunch. Knowing you, you probably haven't taken any money,' Di said with a smile that countered my grumpy look.

Her gesture was so sweet, I gave her a kiss on the cheek before running away with the lunch clutched tightly in my hand.

I had made it to the bus stop just on time. The bus and I pulled ourselves to a stop simultaneously.

'Let me guess, you woke up late again,' Sidra said as she took the seat next to me.

'Salaam to you too sweetie. And yes, maybe you could drop that habit of being right always?'

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