#25 The Resolution

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Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!

A drama filled chapter just for the fun of it! Enjoy!


#25 The Resolution

Sunday mornings are supposed to be lazy, relaxed and stress-free.

For me it was anything but that Sunday.

The whole argument with Mom was playing back in mind over and over again. The suppressed guilt was starting to creep up on me. I may have been right but speaking to Mom in such a way was not right. I was worried about facing her and Dad, it was eating my insides up.

Di had slept with me last night after the whole thing. She knew what happened but she didn't speak a word. And I was grateful for that. She had fallen asleep soon after we hit the bed but I had tossed and turned all night and found it difficult to sleep.

And I missed my Fajr prayer.

Shoaib bhai's issue was also playing around in the back of my mind. I had slept in late and I just felt uneasy on the whole.

And Di's panic stricken face as she came to me with my breakfast just put a cherry on top of the whole cake. That and the fact that there was only a day left for the Cultural fest.

So much drama piled up high altogether that I felt like I might just break down.

'What's up Di? ' I asked as I sat by her at the window seat.

I had just finished freshening up and started on my breakfast of eggs and toast. Di was anxious and wringing the life out of her dupatta. I was getting worried by the minute.

'They're coming to see me today,' she finally managed to whisper.

'Oh! I thought something else happened. You got me scared for a minute there Di,' I said smiling.

'I'm just not feeling right. Something feels off,' she said anxiously.

'Relax it must just be the nerves. I would be nervous to death myself! Have you decided what you're going to wear? Simple or dressed up?'

'No Juni, you don't get it. I feel like something is off,' she said, her pith rising.

Her breathing was starting to speed up. It appeared she was on the verge of a full on panic attack. I dropped my breakfast and held her firmly, shaking her out of it.

'Chill Di! Just go pray to rakahs please. You'll feel better!'

'You're right. I'll just go pray. I might not find time later. They'll be here in the evening.'

I watched her leave and it was as though she left her worries on me because I was starting to get the same creepy feeling as Di. As though something bad was about to happen. Making a quick dua for my family's safety, I changed and went upstairs to find Samir.

He was out in the hall, texting someone when I found him. For a moment I wondered if he knew about the fight I had with Mom last night. He never approved of the way I spoke to Mom and if he had any indication of all the things I said last night, he wouldn't speak to me.

'Assalamualaikum!' He greeted with a smile when he spotted me by the banister.

'Wa alaikumasalaam,' I replied exhaling in relief.

He sensed my unease immediately.

'Everything alright?' He asked coming to my side in a few quick strides.

'Everything's fine. Di's spooked about the whole thing today and it has rubbed off on me.' I told him.

'Ahh she's probably nervous,' he laughed it off.

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