#22 The Past Tense

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Assalamualaikum fair people of Wattpad.

So after a long break here I am with another chapter. It's been a great pleasure to have new readers and get feedback from them. I can't really explain how much I value each new reader. JazakAllah for giving this story a chance.

Read on and enjoy.


#22 The Past Tense

Eid holidays lasted a whole week. Going back to school felt like such a pain after that, especially since only Samar and I had to go. The rest of our cousins were plotting more fun stuff. Last night Shoaib bhai and Samir were talking about accompanying Muhammed Phuppa and Raziya Phuppi to Hyderabad with their kids. Phuppa's parents were anxiously waiting to meet them all. Razi Phuppi had gone to meet them only once since she landed here from Dubai.

In a way it was a relief. Safwan and Marwan were getting back into their notorious selves and as usual Samar and I faced the brunt of their devious plans. A little separation would be healthy for them. But Jaad baby would be missed, and Faiz too. With their family gone Ashiana had become a lot less loud.

Mom has started talking about leaving too. She hadn't said anything to the family as a whole but I had caught the tail end of a conversation between her and Dad a few days back. It was a little heated and I forgot why I had gone to Dad in the first place on hearing them. Before they could notice me I left their room.

It was a bit saddening to be honest. I enjoyed having my whole family here, even Mom. I didn't want them to leave yet. Mom's career is something important, but couldn't she spare a bit more time for the rest of us? I'm sure Safwan's school wouldn't open for another month and Samir also mentioned having two more weeks of holidays. As for Dad he could work from here as well. If need be he could even work from the office downtown.

So all in all I was feeling a bit under the weather on our first day back after Eid. Sidra was also not there at the stop to cheer my mood up even a bit. That girl radiated huge heaps of positive vibes.

It felt like I was the only one feeling blue because everyone else at school looked eager and excited. It was the first time in my life that I saw students returning to school so happily after holidays.

"Assalamualaikum! What's up with the face?" Haseeb said to me as soon as he spotted me entering class.

His big bright smile actually pissed me off.

"I've never been a morning person, " I snapped at him.

"Woah woah calm down! Sit down and seek refuge my friend!" He said putting his hands up.

My body deflated as I sighed.

"I'm sorry but I'm just not feeling whatever is making the lot of you so chipper. It's as though everyone's high," I mumbled.

We were both outside our classroom in the hallway. Lia was yet to reach school and this was how I usually spent my mornings at school. Occasionally Haseeb and I would be joined by Azza and Wafa. Truth be told, I'm starting hate the two of them. Their constant back biting and bitching was starting to get on my nerves.

"Well, this week onwards the cultural fest will begin. Offstage stuff will take up atleast two periods every day and the practise for onstage events would begin in a week or so as well. One whole month of fun!"

He squealed like a little girl towards the end of his mini speech. Not that he would ever admit it.

"Wait you're in the same house as I am right?" He questioned, his tone turning dead serious.

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