#39 The Day of Annoying Encounters

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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Sidfa this one's for you. I hope your emotional blackmails will come to a rest after this. We've missed Zaina action in the last few chapters. I hope you enjoy all the Zaina moments in this one ^_^

#39 The Day of Annoying Encounters

'Be chill Junaina. You can do this. I know you acted like a wild banshee two days back and you cringe when you think about how unglamorous you must have looked like. But it's okay. Don't let yesterday's trashy act of your's take up too much of your classy today. You're going back to school. You're going to strut in like you own the place. And you're not going to give a damn about all the judgemental reactions-'

'When will this pep talk end? Mamu is not going to wait forever for you downstairs!' Di interrupted my well rehearsed speech.

We were in my dressing room. She had come in when I started motivating myself. Or, my equally wonderful reflection. It was back to school time. And I needed a lot of positive vibes.

Crossing my arms I glared at her reflection leaning against the entrance to the dressing room. Di was clad in a black flowy abaya and matching hijab. She tapped her foot impatiently, glaring at me in the mirror. I cocked my head to the side and stared right back at her. Sighing, she loosened up.

I smirked at her.

Picking my brush up I ran it down the end of my perfect fishtail braid. Then I straightened up and examined my impeccable uniform. Satisfied with my appearance, I turned around to face Di.

'Battle preps over? Or did you forget to add anything more to your armor?' Di asked grumpily.

Giving her a blinding white smile I said, 'I don't wear armor Di. My smile and glares are more than enough. Haven't you heard, I have killer looks.'

Putting a palm on her face, she groaned. I giggled as I locked my arm in hers and dragged her with me. That's what she should have done. On the way out I swung my bag over my shoulder and then marched down with Ayesha Di in tow.

'I almost feel like you've reverted back to the Juni that came to us months back,' Di grumbled.

'That offends me Di,' I said solemnly with my hand on my heart.

'Ya Allah!'

I was still laughing by the time we reached downstairs. Chachu was waiting for us in the entrance hall with the rest of the family except Samar. He left for school while I was still having breakfast. If not for his prestigious image, he would have gone to school with me it seems.

'She's already acting crazy,' Bhai remarked with a grin.

'I swear, this girl and her drama!' Di huffed. She was smiling though.

'Jelly babies,' I retorted shaking my head. Di flicked my head making me lose the look of disdain I had worn.

'Junaina, I know you'll be on your best behavior. Be cool and don't let gossip get to you. Understand?'

'Yes Dadi. I won't disappoint,' I promised and said salam to her and the rest of the family.

Bhai was accompanying me to school as well. He got into the passenger seat with Chachu as Di and I settled in the back. Chachu eased the car out into the driveway and soon we were on the road to he- sorry, school.

'Abbu at the speed you're driving, Juni will be late to class, Laila Aunty will be waiting for Ayesha at the office and we will miss our meeting with the Patels,' Bhai commented after a while.

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