#38 The Twist

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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Hello beautiful people. I'm back with an update! Yay! Once I got into the flow of writing this chapter, I couldn't stop.

Have fun reading.

#38 The Twist

Nobody really saw Shoaib bhai the next day till it was tea time. He had gone out early in the morning and returned after breakfast was over. After a quick bite off he went to office again. He didn't come to say salam or enjoy his meals like he usually did.

Chachi was uncharacteristically quiet too. She busied herself in the morning by going to the attic to take stock of extra linens and cutlery and crockery stored there. It was a task we had procrastinated on earlier. But she took it on herself with the help of an ayah. Dadi asked us to leave her alone for some time.

Phuppi and Dadi were seated in the courtyard with Chachu a little while after noon to make lists of the guests to be invited. Di and I sat by them to help them jot down notes and prepare the lists.

'Irfan sahab is in Hyderabad for the day. A meeting with clients that can't be avoided. Shoaib is nowhere to be seen. I had hoped we could finalize the accommodation for those guests who are outside Salimabad today.' Chachu sighed massaging his graying hair.

Chachi came downstairs and took are seat with us then. She gave us a sheepish smile and said, 'I'm so sorry for yesterday's outburst. It's just-'

'We get it. Just forget it and help us out here. I'm totally confused.' Phuppi cut her off.

'I never realized how many relatives we had until today. Do we really need to invite Khadija Phuppi's daughter's son-in-law's sister who lives in Mumbai or can that be avoided?' She huffed out, slamming down a stack of papers on the table.

'Baapre!' Di blurted. My eyebrows disappeared beneath my fringe as I tried to comprehend what Phuppi just said.

'Close your mouth beta. We don't have flies here but still...' Chachi stated in a matter of fact tone.

And all was sunshine again in Ashiana. Well almost. A certain someone still hadn't shown his face yet. Impatience made me fidgety. I kept looking at the door and back and tapping my feet. I almost gave voice to my annoyance with bhai until I remembered what Di said last night.

I'm not insensitive.

So that was how time was passed till Asr. I tried to master explaining relations like a true desi person. But I always lost it halfway. While Di sniggered at my attempts I told her she'd have to memorize it more than me. After all she has to elaborate it to Jiju and his family. She blanched at that and started paying more attention.

'Assalamualaikum family of mine,' Bhai greeted as he joined us for tea.

'Wa alaikumasalaam,' everybody chorused.

Chachi started serving him tea and snacks. The tension in the air then could have been cut with a knife. I felt like slurping my tea like superwoman does just to create a distraction. You know... SLLURRRP!

'Are we really going to pretend he wasn't home all day long?'

Thank you Samar! For once you showed some sense.

Phuppi flicked Samar's head and Di glared at him. Chachu and Irfan Phuppa continued enjoying their tea as though everything was normal. Dadi was unaffected as well. She took dainty sips of tea and observed the goings on in silence.

'Where were you Shoaib?' Chachi asked as she resumed her seat next to Chachu.

'Contrary to popular belief I do actually take my work seriously.' Bhai commented in a flat tone.

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