#64 It's the Future Calling

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السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
Hello beautiful people!

Here's the first of two updates from this week.

#64 It's the Future Calling

They should make a guide you know, How to Handle Awkward Mealtimes: Desi Edition.

Because breakfast certainly became awkward for me after that announcement by Samir. I mean how does one deal with a need like that? Smile? Cry? Cringe? Frown? Yell? All of the above?

I chose stoic silence. After retrieving my fork, I continued my meal and left the table as soon as I could and shut myself in my room. Yes, a part of me was definitely curious to know who had sent the proposal. Was it Zaid? Or someone else? Was it someone I knew? Or a complete stranger? A part of me didn’t want to hear of it. Undoubtedly, the discussions with regards to my marriage have been going on amongst the adults. And I’m no stranger to the fact that people have sent in proposals. But then none of them were considered until the one that came in the morning.

Putting my brain cells to work, it wouldn’t be too hard to figure out who sent it. Clearly he’d have to be from one of the better known families in Salimabad or at least to my family. Otherwise they wouldn’t tell me about it or be interested enough to consider him for me. That brings a lot of men I know into the foray including Zaid, Wazim, Haseeb to name a few off the top of my head. If my family thinks he’s wonderful then he has to be a proper practicing Muslim, well educated and from a good background. Which still doesn’t narrow the field down much.

Oh man! This is difficult!

I didn’t have to ponder about it too long because I was joined in my room by my parents and Samir. They had come to appraise me of the situation of course. Well, time to become an adult and stop acting like a petulant child I suppose. I might as well hear them out and see if this guy even fits my twelve criteria for a husband. I trusted my family enough to not coerce me into a relationship and above all, I trusted Allah's plan for me. As Nanu advised Mom, Maktoob after all.

“Juni beta, I hope you’re not upset,” Dad said sitting next to me on the window seat. Seeing Mom and Samir stand awkwardly and knowing this had the potential to be a long conversation, I decided to shift to the couch so that we could all be seated comfortably.

“No Dad, I’m not upset. Just surprised,” I said biting my lips.

“That’s understandable. Your brother was being an idiot by announcing it that way,” Dad said shaking his hair at Samir who was pulling at his ear and cringing. I had to laugh. It’s always nice to see your elder sibling being told off. Even when you’re a full grown adult.

“Dad’s right. I should have kept myself contained. But he really is wonderful.”

“Who is this he?”

Mom and Dad looked at each other, having a nonverbal discussion as to who would give me the details. And I looked at all three of them in turns, why were they being so silly about it?


“It is Juveriya ji's son Hamdaan.”

Okay, I was not expecting that. Hamdaan? Really? Whoa. But that guy seemed so pious. Wouldn’t he want a wife who’d be like his sister? In niqab and all? Not to degrade myself, but did I really match his level of Deen?

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