#9 The Rollercoaster Ride Of Emotions

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السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
Hey brothers and sisters in Islam! I hope you are all doing fine. I've finally found time to update after ages of not doing so. Forgive me for not sharing an update faster. This is especially dedicated to a sister of mine who has been waiting for this update like forever.

Sorry but it does not include a Juni-Zaid moment (we need to find a shipname for them asap). But it is a very special chapter and I love it. So have fun reading it.

Do recommend this story to your friends ;P

Not delaying the chapter anymore... Here goes


#9 The Rollercoaster Ride Of Emotions

Soon enough my life had fallen into a routine.

I woke up, sometimes late and sometimes early. Rushed through my morning routine either way, if late I only had time for breakfast and running to the bus stop. Samar doesn't wait up for me anymore. If I woke up early, I got time to chat with everyone from Dadi to Annu. In the bus I sat with Sidra and listened to her chatter all the way to school. At school classes already followed a schedule. I returned home, had tea with the family and then sat with Dadi and she'd talk to me about Allah and Islam and the Prophet. I have to admit, its the best part of my day, apart from seeing Zaid that is. Later I'd spend time with just my cousins. Shoaib bhaiyya joined us at times, at times he'd be away. Doing homework and studying came next. After dinner I help with clearing away the table and then I finally Skype my friends and my brothers. A little reading and then off to bed. Repeat.

Even Azhar figured into my routine. The git made it a point to pass by my class everyday and to taunt me somehow. He enjoyed my reactions so I gave him none, and yet he persisted. Azza, Wafa and Lia found our altercations funny and I suspect it is them who coupled our names. Because rumors go around that I'm Azhar's girl.

As if I couldn't find anyone else.

Marwa, with its external appearance of moral superiority and standards had a different side altogether online. There was a Marwa group on Facebook and many others on WhatsApp. There I got to know of the relationships and gossip and all the 'immoral activities' going on at school.

Azza had quite the queen bee persona. Wafa and Lia seconded all her opinions and followed her around like lost dogs. She is used to being praised and followed and admired. So my not following her irks her. I know that beneath the phony nice act she wants to bitch slap me, but because she's aiming for Samar's heart she can't do it.

I want to break away from the trio, but the fear of being friendless in a hostile environment makes me cling on to them. Sidra tells me that I intimidate the people around and so they are not willing to befriend me. It was puzzling to be honest. How on earth do I intimidate?

I mean, I know I don't talk to everybody like Samar does, but I don't go around walking like Zaid who has people parting ways for him like the Red Sea before Musa A.S. Literally. I've seen it happen many times. Whenever he walks around, people step away from his path. His face is perpetually set in a stern expression.

I've never seen him smile.

No, I do not stalk him.

He's just very noticeable. He stands out in a crowd.

"Juni! Lost in dreamworld again. It is your turn Juju sherni!" Samar yelled waving his hands before my face.

"Does Zaid even smile?" I blurted out.

"What?!" Samar asked incredulously.

I put my hands over my mouth as I realized what just slipped off my tongue. Blushing furiously, I tried to avoid everyone's gaze and played my hand. We were all up on the roof playing UNO. All of us cousins were seated in a circle. Chachi was spreading out the spices under the sun.

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