#69 Strange Familiarities

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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Hello my lovely people.
I'll leave my thoughts at the end of the chapter. For now, enjoy this much delayed update!


#69 Strange Familiarities

The night before my engagement I couldn’t fall asleep. Which made me wonder, why is it that whenever something important is about to happen, the first thing that flies of the window is sleep? The night before I got sent here when I was sixteen, the night before my board results came, the night before first day of college, the night before graduation; this list can go on and on. Is it just me?

I was sitting there by the window seat and watching the night sky. The stars were hiding behind the rainclouds, the rain had ceased only a few moments ago. I was wondering if it would rain on my function tomorrow and that is when I realized that I’m officially going to be in a grey zone. I won’t be married, but I’m not single anymore in the sense that it is understood. I won’t be taken yet, and I won’t be available either. So... Single but unavailable?


Even if everyone teased me about it day in and out, even if the very mention of the guy made me blush (that thing needs to be brought under control), I still had a hard time believing sometimes that it is Zaid Hashim that I will be engaged to. How is that even real?

Subhan Allah, the way the Qadr of Allah works... It really is beyond human beings. To think all those years back I was vying for his attention and that too in the wrong fashion, and then Allah changes everything for me. And soon I’ll get to call him mine, with His blessings.

Night turned to day, the heavens shifted hues and soon it was bright blue and sunny after days of doom and gloom. I love the rainy season, but something about it is also a bit gloomy. It has a kind of lethargy to it, I didn’t want to feel like getting cosy in my bed on the day of my engagement!

While Alhamdulillah a lot has changed about me over the years, the one thing that still remains the same is my love for dressing up. And this is one occasion that definitely calls for it... The old Junaina probably would have gone a little bit more all out. I made myself a simple long flowy kurta, pale yellow in colour with some embroidery. I matched it with a lovely burgundy shawl I already had, added the pair of silver jhumkis that Dadi had gifted me years back. I mean I had to wear it, I wonder if he remembers...

Obviously my family wouldn’t let me get dressed up alone and because Di didn’t want to miss out on all the fun, I was downstairs in Iqra Bhabhi’s room. Do I still call her Iqra Bhabhi after getting married? Hold your horses Juni... It’s just the engagement.

“I think it’ll be wonderful to add a large yellow flower garland instead of Chachi's pearls, what do you think Juni?” Bhabhi asked as she tucked away stray strands of my hair.

“Yeah sure,” I mumbled as I clasped a silver bracelet on my right hand.

I was startled by the burst of giggles that came from Di and Bhabhi. And Kashaf joined in because she found it funny when they were cackling like hyenas. Seriously, what was it with these ladies?

“I don’t know what they taught you in your course, but a yellow garland is not a fashion statement my brother wants to see,” Bhabhi said while trying to contain her laughter... Very unsuccessfully might I add.

“Haha very funny!” I said drily.

My cheeks turned pink with embarrassment. Do they have medication for stopping this? I’ve got to ask Mom.

“It is! Who would have thought that sherni would become meek as a mouse when she’s getting engaged!” Di pointed out and there was more laughter.


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