#16 The Visit

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Here's the next chapter. It is longer than usual to make up for my absence. It is also slightly choppy because of my absence ;)

Have fun!

#16 The Visit

Turns out the surprise was a lot more bigger than I imagined. It was not just Dad who was here but Samir and Safwan and Mom too. She hasn't been to India in a long long time, but I guess her niece's wedding warrants a visit.

The moment I stepped in to the living hall with Dad, Safwan surprised me with a bear hug. He nearly knocked me down with his force. Silly little brother of mine.

"And I thought you never missed me!" I exclaimed, ruffling his hair.

I loved messing up his spikes. He looked better without them anyway. Chubby Safwan.

"Pfffft. Oh please. I was trying to push you down."

I knew it. That little bugger.

My favorite big brother stepped in before Safwan and I started fighting. He's only gotten here and the little monster's annoying me already. I can't imagine the things he would get up to with Samar. The two would make a dangerous pair. Thank goodness Raziya Phuppi's son Marwan is not here. Safwan and Marwan are an explosive pair of pranksters. Partners in crime does not do justification to their brotherhood.

Samir's hug was warm and comforting and familiar. And just like Dad, I missed him too. He was my anchor to reality, even though half the time I used to ignore his advice.

"Assalamualaikum Juni,"

"Wa alaikumasalaam waRahmatullahi waBarakatuhu Samir. It's so great to have you here!"

"You don't wanna go back?"

I froze for a moment. Woah. Going back, right now, when I have everything I want here.

"Relax... I was just kidding," Samir said.

There was not much time for thinking though because the unthinkable happened. If I could get a hundred bucks for all the hugs that I received today, I'd be rich. But Mom's hug was the shocker.

I was so shocked I forgot to hug her back. She quickly extracted herself out of the awkward situation. It almost seemed like she was hurt. And I did not hug her back because I never expected one in the first place.

Soon I was settled between Dad and Samir. Dadi sat in her sofa, the one Samar and I jokingly referred to as her throne. She was beaming happily at all her family surrounding her.

There was Chacha and Phuppa exchanging jokes and reminiscing all the good old times with Dad. Phuppi and Mom and Chachi were also engrossed in gossip. Di was serving snacks and juice with Annu's help. Samar and Samir and Shoaib bhai were also catching up with Safwan staring at all three in awe. And then there was me content to stare at everyone just like Dadi and basking in the happiness.

No wonder Dadi kept quiet often. All the sounds of laughter, chatter and the smiles on everyone else's faces were enough to make me happy. I wasn't even included in any of the little groups but I was still part of the whole.


"Only Raziya's family is missing. Otherwise we'd all be celebrating Eid together this year," Dadi remarked.

There was a sudden lull in the conversations going on. And then Dad smiled and broke the silence.

"There's still time Ammi, we can get them to come here!" He said.

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