#34 The Ultimate Humiliation

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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Hey folks!

I'm back with a fab update. I can't wait for you all to read this. It is so dramatic. I can't even. Read and find out for yourself.


#34 The Ultimate Humiliation

Junaina Javed Ali had come to a decision. The best way to put an end to her inner turmoil is to first get information. Yep, I've been driven to enough madness to start talking about myself in third person.  And break the fourth wall.

From the moment I had reached the bus stop Baseera had started giving Zaid and me furtive little glances. I was hoping he'd go to school with Iqra Di for once. And then there was so much talk, hushed talk wherever I went. The second I turned around it would stop, and all those fake smiles. The way people looked at me, even discreetly or not so discreetly pointed at me. The hushed laughter.

It was maddening, frustrating and I had reached my burning point.

'Uh oh,' Lia said as soon as she spotted me. I had the most neutral expression on. But my friends like Lia and Haseeb would understand just by seeing my face.

'Assalamualaikum you two,' I greeted.

'Wa alaikumasalaam, even your salam feels lethal. Looks like you saw the stuff he put on the group.' Haseeb commented with a wry look.

I was puzzled. That Azhar was the one being alluded to, I understood. My suspicions were already raised with all that's been happening. I didn't realize he had put something online though. That jerk used mass communication. When I'm done with him, his little stunt will look like those unread little advertisements printed in some small corner of newspapers.

'Which group?'

'The whatsapp one.' Lia answered.

They were both being extra careful. Lia looked like she'd be subjected to horrible torture any second. Poor girl. I couldn't help smirking at the effect I had on her.

And she was my friend. Imagine how Azhar would feel once I break his ego for good.

Pride goes before a fall, Juni. Wise and dear little inner voice said.

'Should I be scared as well? You look downright evil,' Haseeb said grinning.

'Chill guys. Say Alhamdulilah you're not Azhar,' I said, my smirk widening. Lia relaxed making me crack up.

'Seriously. Everytime you give Azza and Wafa those scornful looks of yours, I thank Allah that I ended up becoming your friend,' Lia rambled. It was adorable. I pinched her cheeks gushing, 'You're too cute!'

'Back to the matter at hand, you seriously didn't see what's in the group? ' Haseeb asked.

'Nope. I had muted it. All the nonsense and riff raff that goes on in there. I'm no haram police or saint either, but sometimes I feel like slapping sense into some of those girls. And guys.'

Haseeb and Lia agreed wholeheartedly with my tirade. I asked them what rubbish Azhar had shared there. Worry did gnaw at my heart since all the gossip queens and kings of this school thrived in there. Mostly cronies of Azhar's and Azza's. And they repulsed me.

'He's upto his old tricks again. Spreading rumors. He's claiming that you and Zaid are in a relationship.' Haseeb explained dryly. His otherwise kind eyes had a stern look in them.

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