#12 The Parents

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Assalamualaikum sisters and brothers!

So I'm updating again. Yay for fighting procrastination!

It was a bit difficult to write this chapter considering the context. It probably needs more expanding. But ultimately this feels right.

Treat it kindly and have fun reading after you finish all your duties.

#12 The Parents

Chachi's prediction ended up being true. I caught a cold and it was bad. I ended up skipping school for the next two days. Samar kept me updated on the goings on at school and even brought me Haseeb's notes so that I could complete mine. My school work was not neglected.

Speaking of Samar, I didn't even have to go after him to patch up. He came with Phuppi to serve me tea. And he apologized. Very sincerely.

"I get that I was a bit of a jerk yesterday and I keep forgetting that you're a sherni," at which point I chucked a cushion at him and Phuppi pulled his ears, "I'm really sorry. I will never under estimate you again. But next time he harasses you, I'll beat him to pulp."

I couldn't help but chuckle at that.

Two days of skipping meant more time with everyone at home. The day began with the hustle and bustle of Chacha, Phuppa and Shoaib bhai going to work. Breakfast included methi parathas and chutney. But I wasn't given any of it. I had to settle with toast and ginger tea.

Chacha patted me before leaving, telling me to get ready to visit the doctor in the evening. I declined. I hated going to the doctor's. As if having my Mom as one wasn't enough. Dadi said I'd be fine with rest.

I spent most of my time in the kitchen when I wasn't with Dadi. Di, Chachi and Phuppi put up a constant chatter with the maids. I ended helping Annu with the vegetables and joining in the kitchen gossip. It was fun.

When Maghrib came by I was up in my room, enjoying the view out of my window. The rain was pouring heavily. Only then did I allow myself to think of Zaid. It didn't help that we shared a moment in the rain yesterday, or that I was sick because of it.

By evening next day my sneezing and sniffling had come down. So I thought it was safe to Skype with Dad. He was at home. Sitting with Safwan as he did his homework to be precise. I couldn't help but smirk evilly.

"Assalamualaikum beta. How are you?" Dad asked with a smile.

"Wa alaikumasalaam Dad. I'm doing great," I responded.

"I can see that," Dad said.

I smiled sheepishly. I was propped up on my cushions and engulfed in my warm blanket. The fan was running at full speed though.

"Oh it is no big deal, just a little cold. Got a little wet in the rain."

"Ahha. See one little rain and you're sick! You should be ashamed." Dad said smirking.

I pulled my tongue out at him in response. He laughed while Safwan responded in kind.

"How's teaching Safwan going Dad? I trust you're enjoying the experience..."

He grimaced at that one and yet patted Safwan affectionately. Safwan was smirking.

"Juni, I only torture you. Dad thinks I'm a quick learner." He said smugly.

I stifled my laughter as Dad shook his head slowly. Safwan hated studying and always needed someone to push him at it. But my little brother was a genius. He put his brains to more interesting stuff like epic pranks and enraging Mom.

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