#18 The Omnipresent Person

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Assalamualaikum everyone!

Here's the next chapter in the life of Junaina Ali. I just love how this one has turned out, especially the scene with her mother. Have fun reading :)


#18 The Omnipresent Person

I knew I was dreaming.

I was in Marwa, in one of the classrooms downstairs. Strangely enough not only was it empty but, it was also as silent as the graveyard both inside and outside the classroom. It was creepy. All the doors and windows were locked and I was standing rooted to my position.

And then the knocking began.

Hands were rapping at the windows and the doors. Bang bang bang, the sounds came. I didn't even flinch. Not until I heard Azhar anyway. He was going to knock down the doors.

And then I woke up gasping.

I almost wondered if I was dreaming again. The lights kept dimming and brightening and even the fan was slowing down. But there was a strong wind which made the curtains billow about crazily and the windows were rattling on their hinges. I had forgotten to put the hooks which kept them in place.

Pushing my covers away, I ran to the balcony doors and shut them first and then closed all the windows. It was a bit tough, fighting against the wind and all. I had just managed to close the last window and plop down by the seat when the lights went out completely. I could hear the panic ensue outside. Deciding to wait it out until my vision adjusted to the darkness, I leaned back and made myself comfortable. It was pouring down in torrents outside.

After having a crazy day, I finally found peace just sitting there and listening to the rain.

I could finally make out the outlines of the furniture in my room after a while. The noise outside my room had also deadened. Walking over to the nightstand, I was relieved to find that my phone was fully charged. Pulling the cable out, I switched on the flashlight and made my way to the bathroom. After washing my face and making myself presentable, I decided to go downstairs and see what everyone was up to.

I took the back stairs to the kitchen. I needed some coffee to ease the grogginess I've been feeling. Annu had gone back home and the other ayahs were busy making dinner with the help of the emergency lighting and some candles lying scattered about. So I just helped myself to some of the hot water and made some black coffee.

I was walking out of the kitchen and through the hallway to the courtyard, with coffee in one hand and phone in another when a face showed up right in front of me. With the combined effects of the bright flashlight and my nightmare I was a bit spooked and I screamed a little.

"Relax! It's me Zaid!" He yelled immediately.

And I stopped screaming. And probably breathing too.

I just looked at the person standing in front of me finding it hard to believe that he was real and not conjured up by my mind. I should seriously stop thinking about him if I need to maintain my sanity. Seriously.

It was a miracle the coffee didn't spill.

After a moment I relaxed and finally asked dthe question that was burning in my head.

"What are you doing here at this time?"

It was then that I remembered that he had followed me home. But he wasn't in his uniform. He was wearing a checked shirt with jeans. Did he go home and come back again? Or did he have clothes stashed here? Ugh... I wanted my inner voice to shut up!

"Samar was sleeping when I came. So I went home and came back later with notes for him." He explained.

"Uh huh. And why on earth would you creep up on someone like that? I could have spilled coffee and burnt myself!" I snapped at him.

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