#4 The Lively Breakfast

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Here's another day in the life of Junaina Ali. Everything right in this is from Allah and all errors are my own :)


#4 The Lively Breakfast

That night I slept pretty late. After I had gotten the password to the WiFi, I spent a lot of time catching up with my friends and with Samir. I wanted to call Dad but I was a little miffed that he wanted to send me away. And as for Mom, we don't share the best relationship on the planet.

Safwan, the little bugger showed up when I was skyping Samir. The glee on his face almost made me throw my iPad away. But then I missed the idiot and his pranks. I was his tyrannical elder sister and he was my annoying little brother.

The next morning I was woken up by Ayesha Di. She had thrown both the windows and the doors to the balcony open, letting the sunlight in. It would have been pretty hot if not for the air conditioner which she had been so kind to turn off. Thankfully, she left the fan running.

Groaning, I managed to lift my head from the assortment of fluffy pillows and cushions surrounding me.

"Why on earth are you torturing me like Samar so early in the morning?" I asked.

She was actually giggling at my misery.

"Get out of bed Sleeping Beauty, we have to go to a lot of places today. And I guess I'm just jealous that Nani only let's you sleep in," she said smirking.

I groaned again. Going places in Salimabad usually meant visiting relatives. God knows I could use some gossip in my life, not.

"I'm not ready for Salimabad's old gossips yet," I mumbled from my nest of pillows and comforter.

Ayesha Di pulled the covers away from me. That effectively cut off any means of sleep for me. I cannot sleep without being covered up to my head.

"Relax. I wouldn't come with you if we were going visiting. As if I need all those people pestering me about marriage and whatnot. I swear, they are all darlings but they do get crazy sometimes." She remarked.

There was a bitterness in her tone. I couldn't quite place it. By nature, Ayesha Di is the kind of person who obliged old people with their random talks and gushed over children even when they are being annoying. I've never even seen her frown because of people being rude to her.

I decided to change the topic.

"So where are we going then?"

I got out of bed, stretched and then pulled my waist length crazily messed up hair into a bun. Perks of having wavy hair, you don't get to wake up like the girls in shampoo ads.

"Well we have to visit Marwa to get you your admission. And then we have to get your books and uniform and everything else required."

Her words reminded me that school starts in June over here. Double punishment indeed. I was supposed to have three months vacation after nine months of gruelling time at school. Dang it!

But then school also means a chance to meet new people and make new friends. And since Marwa is also co-educational it will give me a chance to see if desi boys match up to the standards of their NRI counterparts. Junaina the inner nerd will also not be deprived of work.

"Alright I'll be out in half an hour," I relented.

"Great. I'll be in my room when you're ready to go. We've all had breakfast already, so you go have yours and then come and call me."

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