#67 Blessed

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It was Saturday. Bhabhi, Sidra and I had everything sorted out for our little surprise for Di. We were waiting for everyone to leave so we could set things up and surprise her. She has been having a hard time and her due date's only been drawing closer. Despite everyone else trying to draw Abid away from her, the little man always wanted his mom. He was excited to welcome his sibling, but he didn't understand that his mother needed time off. It wasn't that hard for Bhabhi to convince Di to let Abrar Jiju take him to the Nikah. And Bhabhi sent Ihsan along as well. That lady is nothing short of a super woman.

And a super cheeky future sister in law.

My, it's still unbelievable at times. It's only been a few days since Mr Zaid Hashim dropped his proposal on me and the good news conveyed to our families. One word was all it took and there was an air of joy and festivity in the house.

One word is all it takes for life to pivot instantaneously and now you're stuck in the nether world of transition. At least that has been the case for me. I'm sure it was the same for my cousins, my brother and my best friend too. And perhaps Zaid as well. And tomorrow we'll be getting engaged. Oh teen Juni would have probably squealed to death had she known that she would, in fact, end up getting engaged to Zaid Hashim.

Or she'd probably have found it unbelievable.

To be honest, a part of me still does find it unbelievable. Despite all the praises and reasons that he did heap on me yesterday. The conversation kept replaying in my head. And of course that meant I blushed a lot, which of course drew in a lot of teasing. My cousins and best friends were paying me back in kind.

And said cheeky future sister in law happens to live in my home. And the other future cheeky sister in law lives in the house next door.

As does Zaid Hashim.

My future husband.

Cue internal squealing.

"Oh there she goes blushing again Dadi. You know, I'm thinking I should tax her for every thought she has about my brother before their marriage. I'd become super rich!" Iqra Bhabhi laughed. And Dadi and Sidra too.

Well Bhabhi was laughing until dear little Kanza took care of it with her puking. Bhabhi ran off to her room with the baby in tow. 

"My niece loves me," I grinned.

"Of course she does, but not more than-" Sidra started. I didn't let her finish.

"Not a word more. Dadi can you please ask them to focus on Di and not me?" I begged.

Dadi laughed at me. Again.


"You're secretly enjoying this," she said with that twinkle in her eyes.

"Of course not!"

Did I mention I blush a lot these days?
I do. It's crazy. Where is the button to control this?

The good news is, they forbid Zaid from popping in to Ashiana as he usually did. It was a relief because I cannot imagine how much all of this teasing would double and said young man would totally enjoy it. Especially since I had played my little stunt the other day. I hadn't seen or heard from him since. And he'll be here in Ashiana tomorrow. Goodness.

The little table in the courtyard was set with some cookies and cake and fresh juice and chaat that Sidra had bought after her teaching session at the masjid. There were also a few little gifts for Di and her baby. We had just finished arranging everything when Di came downstairs with Kashaf. Iqra Bhabhi was out with Kanza right on time too.

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