#35 The Aftermath

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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Hello. I'm back. So soon ;)

This chapter is ♡

Enjoy reading.


#35 The Aftermath

Once the thrill of the whole episode wore off, worry began gnawing at the pits of my stomach. It didn't help that Zaid mentioned the one person whom I never wanted to disappoint. It's like I was high and then Zaid doused me with cold water to bring me to my senses.

Saira ma'am was giving me the stink eye. Once we had reached the waiting area outside Sir's office, she sent everyone away except Samar and Zaid. While the latter was relevant to the issue at hand, I had a feeling she let the former stay to keep an eye on me.

Apart from giving me looks ranging between disappointment and anger, she didn't rebuke me at all. And that was more maddening to be frank.

'You'll be called in once your local guardian arrives,' Saira ma'am said. She had just been inside the office.


Just thinking of his face on seeing me here got me scared. Why on earth did I have to overdo it? Couldn't I just have left it at the talk? But no! I had to be the almighty drama queen who was teaching that scum a lesson.

Not that he didn't deserve it.

It was not just Saira ma'am who was silent. Samar didn't speak a word as well. His fists were drawn so tight, that I didn't dare provoke him as well. And Zaid was quiet as usual. Though there was a great big frown on his face that usually never existed. Not the sad kind. But the furious kind.

As the adrenaline wore off, all the thoughts started swimming rapidly in my head. My emotions were strung up high. I felt just like I did the time I came to Salimabad from Dubai. I felt a little woozy. I put my hands on my temples, trying to steady myself.

'Oh! Juni you're hurt!' Saira ma'am exclaimed.

And only then did I feel the pain from the cut in my palm. It still bled a bit but not as profusely as earlier. I looked at it and winced. It would most definitely leave a scar.

Serves me right for losing control like that. It would for ever be a reminder to not give into silly emotions.

'Juju you okay?' Samar asked, his voice cracking.

I was surprised by the emotions in his tone. Who would have thought he cared so much. Samar always taunted me, teased me, fought with me. That's the way he showed his care. Not through concern. I felt even more guilty and couldn't look at him.

'You need to get that cleaned and dressed up. Don't risk an infection,' Saira ma'am said.

'We'll take her to the nurse,' Zaid said, rendering me speechless.

Is it just me, or is all of this a dream? Maybe I took a blow to the head as well. Maybe I'm hallucinating. So unreal...

Samar and Zaid walked ahead, I followed them cradling my injured hand. Thank God it was my left and not my right hand. I wouldn't have been able to hold things until it healed. And Allah knows I have enough and more projects to do.

The bed in the nurse's room was occupied and covered by a screen. The little evil part of me felt great satisfaction in knowing I put Azhar there. He would never try or even thinking of playing games with me and my friends again.

The nurse was a short lady, probably in her mid forties. She gave me a frown before setting to work on my hand. I felt as though she was purposely wiping the wound roughly. Aren't nurses supposed to be gentle?

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