#36 The Plans, Chats and Evasions

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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Hey lovely people. This chapter is a bit rough and patchy because of a massive writer's block. But there are cute stuff.

Have fun reading.

#36 The Plans, Chats and Evasions

'You shaitan bachhi! I knew I spoilt you rotten, but I never believed it until today!' Dad scolded.

'Astagfirullah Dad! You can't call your daughter the devil!' I said, exaggerating while I was at it.

'I can when she goes around taunting boys and beating them to pulp,' he insisted, his face all scrunched up pixels.

'You should be proud to have a daughter who can defend herself! 'I claimed.

Taking the stairs two at a time and attending a video call at once was a feat I had long since accomplished. Dad loved talking to everyone in the house whenever he called. I had to travel all around Ashiana so he could converse with all from Dadi to Samar.

'You call that defending. I'm scared for all those kids who could be attacked by you. Ya Allah! I've raised a monster.' His antics proved that dramatics is also an inherited trait.

I feigned being hurt and rushed to Dadi's room.

'Look your son is calling me shaitan and monster Dadi,' I complained thrusting the phone out to her.

Dadi took the phone from me and glared at Dad. 'Are you badmouthing my darling Juni? Is this how I raised you, Badmaash! ' She admonished.

All of this was such a huge joke. Like really. Dad was calling me names and Dadi chastised him for the same. I couldn't help but burst out into laughter.

'Dadi you're the best!' I gushed giving her a high five.

Dadi grinned and raised an eyebrow at Dad, daring him to go against her. Dad shook his head and smiled.

'You're spoiling her Ammi. After all that happened she should have been punished,' Dad said his tone getting serious.

Uh oh. Really?

'What nonsense! She's aware of her mistake and regrets it. That's enough punishment. Stop harping on my Juni,' Dadi berated, stroking my cheek. I nearly pulled my tongue out at Dad.

'I wish my Dadi was there to defend me when you and Dad were all about punishments,' Dad whined like a kid.

Dadi just gave him an adorable smile. 'Wisdom comes with age beta. I'm sure when Juni's kids turn out to be just as naughty you'll protect them from her.'

Dad grinned. 'Of course. Seen anyone good for her yet Ammi?' He asked, looking at me with most mocking look in his arsenal. I narrowed my eyes at him, daring him to say one more word.

'You're plotting to send your Ammi to jail huh? I always knew you had something against me,' Dadi said, nodding gravely. I covered my mouth with my hands, stifling my laughter.

'Astagfirullah Ammi. Such accusations!' Dad burst out. As Dadi started shaking with laughter, he looked away totally embarrassed. Serves him right for teasing me and calling me names.

'Dad, do you need some gel for those burns?' I asked injecting concern into my voice.

'Give the phone to your Chachu. I need to speak to him!' He ordered, bristling angrily. Beneath it all I could see he was amused and happy.

When I first started telling him what happened, I was scared. And then his reactions actually made me carefree and relaxed. He did give me his grave silent treatment for about two minutes before he started messing with me.

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