#26 The Drama Queens

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Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!

My dear readers, a belated to Eid Mubarak to all those who celebrated yesterday and Khair Mubarak to those celebrating today! 😊

Really really sorry I couldn't make an update recently. I was bogged down by work and the worst of all writers block. As such this chapter might be slightly off and choppy.

That being said it is nearly 4000 words long. So do enjoy and I hope I've made up for the delay

#26 The Drama Queens

Ayesha Di was in her room with both Mom and Phuppi beside her. The latter held her hand while my Mom actually held the conversation. When I went in there they paused to let me join in. Di gave me a weak smile as I sat next to her.

'So Ayesha beta don't stress too much. It's not good for you physically or mentally. Just let it be,' Mom said earnestly.

Di nodded. Mom smiled and patted her head.

'I'll go down and get some soup sent up for you,' she said and went out.

Di leaned back into her nest of pillows and sighed. Phuppi kept stroking her hair tenderly.

'My daughter deserves someone who is honest and pure. Allah saved you from lifelong misery sweetheart. Don't lose hope yet, in sha Allah you'll find someone truly special,' Phuppi reassured her.

'Of course! I mean come on, you're superb and you don't need some second rate cheap guy in your life Di, nah!' I interjected dramatically causing Di to laugh a bit.

And that cheered me and Phuppi.

'There you go, I thought you'd forgotten how to laugh because of some loser!' I said making her smile wider.

'Looks like Juni is enough to lift your spirits up. I'll go and get dinner preparations started, your Nani and family are coming after all,' Phuppi said.

That reminded me of the dawat, little dinner party Dadi had organized since Mom's leaving. All the Dar-e-Rahma people would come apart from Sarah Di who had a wedding in jeeju's family.

'So, I'm not going to ask how you feel because well that's such a stupid question, but I want you to feel better. Especially since Nani and everyone else are coming tonight,' I commented.

When Di did not respond for a while I was beginning to feel worried, but then she pulled me in for a tight hug. I could feel her tears on my shoulder. Holding her as close as I could, I tried my best to comfort her.

'Jazak Allahu Khairan Juni. I don't know how we would have gotten out of this mess so easily if it weren't for you,' she said, her tears making her voice uneven.

'Aww Di I did nothing. It was Samir and Bhai and of course without Abrar we wouldn't even know anything!' I stated pulling away.

Di gave me a watery smile and I wiped away her tears. I smiled wide at her and pulled her cheeks. My pretty amazing Di.

'Abrar was kind and I should thank him. But you can't pretend as though you didn't do anything, you devious little master mind!' She teased, ruffling my hair.

Smiling smugly, I nodded.

'Haven't you heard Di, behind every successful man there is a woman. A girl in this case,' I drawled, earning a laugh from her.

She smiled and then looked down, fiddling with her fingers. The whole incident was still bugging her and I couldn't blame her. If something of this sort happened to me I don't know if I would be able to cope with it like Di. My emotions would be all over the place. I waited patiently for Di to speak her sadness away. She needed to let it out, on her own terms though.

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