#45 The Qadr of Allah

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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Hello people!

I'm terribly sorry for the delay in this update. I won't keep you from the chapter ahead with a long author's note. So go ahead and enjoy.


#45 The Qadr of Allah

So what usually happens when I wake up late and come to school in a mad rush is, I tend to forget something really important back home. It could be anything from home works and assignments to books I borrowed from my friends. All day long I was plagued by the sensation of forgetfulness. That I couldn't figure out what I left behind was frustrating me to no end.

When PT period came around and everyone jumped at the chance to go out and play, take advantage of the extensive school grounds or just sit and gossip under the mango tree; I stayed behind to complete my Maths homework. I was in no mood to head out and listen to gossip.

Sreejith Sir was pretty forgiving and had asked me to submit my notes before I left school. Having the perfect opportunity at hand, I skipped PT for once.

It took me all of half an hour to complete my work. Once I was done, I got out of class and walked to the corridor. There was still about ten minutes left for the bell. I was contemplating whether to join my friends downstairs or not when I heard footfalls on the stairs. Out of curiosity I looked back and regretted the decision to do so immediately.

Zaid Hashim halted his steps when he saw me. I whipped around and stared at the glittering lake beyond as though I could fathom the secrets within its depths from here. I waited for his steps to go ahead and recede.

As the wind messed with my hair, I remained completely still. He started walking again, slower than his usual brisk movement. Every second lingered way too long and I was beginning to feel my earlier mood swings kick up again. Patience was the last thing in my heart. I wanted him to be gone and that was it.

When he finally passed me, I let out the breath I had unconsciously held in.

What a horrible thing feelings are! So hard to keep in check and always acting up like a spoiled kid throwing tantrums. I hated being so aware of one person. And yet…

Checking my watch I found that there was still some time left. I decided to go downstairs anyway. My thoughts were meandering into dangerous territory that I was not mentally equipped to navigate. Leaving the railings I turned in the opposite direction and headed for the stairs.


I stopped in my tracks. Perhaps I gave in to relief way too soon. Ugh. What now? I could feel the pace of my heart pick up. All he did was call my name and my heart took it as a sign to act as though I had just run a marathon.

That's it, I can't take erratic feelings. Ignoring him I continued on my way. He ran up to me. 'Juni just wait!'

'How many times do I have to tell you, it's Junaina to you!' I yelled pivoting to face him. To onlookers I probably looked like a raging bull with flared nostrils ready to tear through Zaid with my nonexistent horns.

His hand was stretched out towards me and his usual intense expression was replaced with alarm and worry. My outburst made him back up a few steps.

'Junaina. I'm sorry, just calm down and hear me out please,' he begged and tried to stall me.

My heart was torn in two. On one hand I wanted to know what he had to say, on the other hand I wanted to get out of the hallway faster than the Shatabdi express. His appeal with those stupid puppy dog eyes won me out in the end.

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