#31 The Bittersweet Eid

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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Hello lovely people. I'm sorry I can't update soon enough. My schedule at school has become hectic, so I'm too tired or stressed most of the time to think about writing.

This is for my cousin with silly cravings. You know who you are 😉

I love this chapter. I hope you guys do too.

#31 The Bittersweet Eid

Time flew so fast that soon it was time for iftaar. Food and drink disappeared from plates with little to no conversation between the people who consumed it. The mood in Ashiana was kind of somber. Despite it being Eid tomorrow all I could think of was that Dad and my brothers were leaving. Even Razi Phuppi and her family too. Ashiana has been so full these last few months that it feels so sad to think of all the laughter and life going away tomorrow.

After Isha prayer we were all congregated in the hall. It just happened so naturally. Once I was done helping Dad and Samir pack, I had come downstairs to find Di and Jaad in the living room. I didn't feel like going to bed just yet and knowing that Jaad won't be here after tomorrow made me gravitate towards them.

'Oh my baby Jaad! Who'll be my source of comfort when you go?' I crooned as I sat next to Di.

'Nuni!' He squealed and jumped on to my lap.

I laughed as he started messing with my hair and my necklace.

'Nuni is going to miss you baby,' I murmured against his hair.

'And Sha as well,' Di said messing his silky hair.

'Wuv you!' He yelled squishing the two of us.

'Wuv you too!' I said giggling.

Just then Bhai came and lifted Jaad off of us. I couldn't help but laugh and cry at the same time as I watched Jaad giggle as bhai tossed him up in the air and caught him. He laughed even more as bhai tickled his tummy.

'Ib. Up again!' Jaad said pointing at the ceiling.

Shoaib bhai pretended to be tired and fell on the single sofa with Jaad. He squealed in happiness. It was Chachi who came next and started chatting with Jaad. Then the rest of the boys came. And slowly all of the rest of the family had gathered. Jaad was finally perched on Dadi's lap and trying his best to swipe Dadi's glasses off.

The adults were conversing in low voices just like us youngsters.

'I am glad Di's wedding is coming up soon. We'll be back in no time,' Faiz said smiling.

'I know right, just thinking about it makes me excited!' I gushed.

'In sha Allah, it'll be great,' agreed Samir.

And then we were all smiling and savouring the comfortable silence. Even Shoaib bhai was subdued. It took no time for the silence to spread about. Save for Jaad nobody made any noise. No one even stirred until Marwan started nodding off.

Then it was like the spell was broken.

Bhai and Samir dragged Safwan and Marwan to bed. All of us said Salam to each other and then left for our rooms. I was the last one to go. Seated for minutes in my place on the couch, I tried to get rid of the heavy weight on my heart.

Who would have thought I'd come to love this family so much? Who would have thought Ashiana would become my life, my world?

When I first came here, all I wanted was to jump on the next flight and leave. I thought joint families were a pain and I thought life would be so dull and boring here. And yet, it's filled with so much colour and light and fun and good times and bad times, all made beautiful by our beautiful family.

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