#29 The Girl Talk

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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Hello lovely people of Wattpad. I'm here with another update by the Grace of Allah, Alhamdulilah. This one's nothing serious. Just lighthearted fun, but I loved it. I hope you would too...

#29 The Girl Talk

After Abrar Jiju and his family left, the Ali family and the ayahs at Ashiana cleared up everything together. Iqra Di took Di upstairs to her room to have some 'best friend time' as she put it. I had hoped Zaid would leave but he stayed on and helped with the cleaning.

After discarding the cushion cover I just pulled off, I put on one of the white ones we used regularly. This one had floral embroidery that Dadi had done herself. I would have gotten my job done quick enough and gone upstairs to rest. But as usual Zaid distracted me. Samar was changing the curtains and putting away the mirror strands with Zaid's help.

They were done with the ones in the dining area and had come over to the sitting area.

'You lazy idiot. I'm sure you got this rickety old chair instead of the ladder just because you don't want to go the attic!' Zaid was complaining.

'Oh shut up. The job's getting done with half the amount of labor,' Samar retorted.

I felt like scoffing. So typical of Samar. But I couldn't even react. I had to pretend as though I am not paying attention to every word being passed between them. After fluffing the cushion up I set it on the settee and took up another one.

'Yeah and you boast of being muscular and strong,' Zaid taunted.

'Don't forget, my strong muscles are balancing this chair for you. I might just let you fall,' Samar warned, his face had mischief written on it.

Zaid rolled his eyes and said, 'Uh huh… maybe you were just scared to go up into the attic. Still think your green ghost lives up there?'

'Hey!' Samar called out indignantly.

I couldn't help but laugh at that. Green ghost? Good Lord! Where did he even come up with that?

And I drew both their attention as I couldn't control my fit of laughter. I was trying to imagine what Samar's green ghost looked like and all I could think of was Mask with his green face going whoosh up in the attic.

'Great! As if she didn't have enough things to use against me. You've given her more ammo!' Samar whined and let go of his hold on the chair.

All of a sudden Zaid came toppling down. Nothing like those slow motion scenes in movies. If I hadn't moved in the split second, there would have been Juni sundae on the floor with Zaid as topping.

He fell head on and narrowly escaped bumping his head on the sofa. For a moment there was pin drop silence and then Samar started laughing out  and I couldn't stop myself either. It was hilarious,  the mighty Zaid Hashim with all his dignity and class had fallen on the floor of Ashiana.

'Serves you right!' Samar said clutching his belly and laughing. He didn't even bother helping the poor dear.

Zaid was frozen there. For a moment he looked so embarrassed that I wanted to take a picture and keep it for reminding myself that Zaid was human. He could be embarrassed as well. And that made me giggle some more. 

Zaid stared at me for a second before looking away, mortified. Then he glared at his best friend who was trying to catch his breath.

The noise had brought Samir and Shoaib bhai to the scene. It took seconds for them to put two and two together and then Shoaib bhai started chuckling as well. Samir was grinning but he had humanity in him. He helped Zaid pull himself up.

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