#11 The Secret

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#11 The Secret

My brain was scrambled.

I could not get my thoughts into order. The stupid thing kept replaying the last few moments in my head. I could not shake off his dazed expression in my head. A part of me was screaming and rejoicing and partying.

He finally sees me properly! He finally reacts to my presence!

Then there was another part of me cringing in embarrassment. Who on earth would want to be noticed when they are soaking wet and looking anything but put together? My dress was messed up and my hair probably resembled that of a witch or a banshee. Thank God for waterproof makeup!

It took me a few moments to comprehend that there was a commotion going around me.

Chachi had wrapped towels around me and was drying my hair rapidly. Di was rubbing warmth into my hands. They had even gotten me seated in the living hall. Dadi was eyeing me curiously. Phuppi came running and forced a steaming mug into my hands.

"Drink it up quickly now. We don't want you catching a cold." Chachi said.

Di had taken a seat next to me.

"Where is my idiot of a son? Wait till he gets here, I'm going to knock some sense into him!" Phuppi was ranting.

Hearing the commotion Samar came running down the stairs. On seeing my condition his face was tinged with concern and guilt. I didn't bother acknowledging his presence. I was still mad at him for being a jerk. An over protective, bipolar idiot of a cousin brother.

Phuppi kept scolding him for not checking up on me when it rained and coming back home without me. Usually Samar never listened quietly when his mom scolded him, but this time he had his head hung down. He kept wringing his hands together. I felt my anger melt a way a bit, but not entirely. He knows I can take care of myself. He knows that I hate it when he pulls the overprotective brother face and he knows he was a jerk to me. All because of that git Azhar.

All of those unpleasant thoughts nearly drove what happened out of my mind. And then back to square one.

"Juni beta, is everything alright? You're acting a bit strange," Dadi said, finally pulling me out of my thoughts about Zaid.

I looked up at her. Her hazel eyes were locked on mine, probing for an explanation. I managed to put on a fake smile.

"Yep. Fine. I, I just need to get out of these wet clothes. Take a shower," I replied somehow.

Definitely need to get my thoughts back in order.

And my words triggered more hustle and bustle as Chachi and Phuppi helped me up. Di took the cup away from my hands and stared at me in worry. Samar stood away from me, I ignored him. I was not ready to talk to him. Even if I knew a Muslim was not supposed to stay mad at another Muslim for more than three days.

Chachi stayed with me till I got to my room. Then she left me alone to change, saying she'd bring a bowl of soup once I was done. Right before she left I hugged her, wet clothes and all. She didn't complain though. Patting my back affectionately, she held me for some time. Once she went out I locked the doors to my room and went into my dressing room. I stripped out of the wet clothes, leaving them on the floor so I could take them down to the laundry.

Once I hit the shower I started calming down. The steam and warm water helped. The whole day was almost too intense for me. What with Azhar's issues and the fight with Samar and then Zaid.

I don't know what it was in him that I felt drawn towards him all the time. Like a magnetic pull. I've never had to do the chasing before. It was always the other way round. Maybe that's why I just cannot get the guy out of my head. I need to stop being a sap though. Junaina Ali never was desperate and never will be.

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