Chapter One

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"DANCING IN THE MIRROR, AND SINGING IN THE SHOWER" My alarm screamed. " Shut the FUCK UP" i said my voice gradually getting louder. Yeah, im not a morning person.
Anywaysssss, after yelling at my alarm clock, I rolled out of bed. Literally. " Fuck. You BITCH." I yelled to the floor.
Haha. Im weird.
I finally got up a went to my bathroom that's connected to my room so i could take a shower. I shaved, wash my hair and washed my body before getting out and wrapping a towel around me. I walked into my bedroom to find something to wear. I picked out a floral crop top that had orange flowers on it, white super skinny jeans, and boots. I decided to leave my long, long hair wavy( it goes all the way down to my butt. I grabbed my makeup and just put on a little concealer here and there, and some mascara. My eyelashes naturally flare to the side , which i love. After I finished my makeup, i grabbed my phone, and headed downstairs. My mom was down there talking to someone, probably Matt. I ran down the stair and jumped on Matts back while he wasn't looking. " Woah there" he said gripping my tiny, tiny thighs. Ive always been really really skinny, whick makes no sense because i eat unhealthy and am very lazy.

I giggled. " Hewwo bestie" I said. " Hi bestie" he said in a girly voice. I laughed. "C'mon, lets go to starbucks" He said. "YASSSS BITCH YASSSS" I yelled and my mom scolded me. " Cody! Watch your mouth!" " Sowwy mommy. I wuv you!!!" I said like a 4 year old. " Yeah, when you want something from me" She said and I laughed. " Well, me and Matt will be back later, were going to starbucks" i said happily and she said ok. We were off to STARBUUUUUUCKS.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *At Starbucks*

When we ordered, we sat down and waited for our coffee. They called our names but my phone started ringing so Matt went to get them.
Cody: Hello?
Bart:Hello is this Cody?
Cody: Um yes but um who are you???
Bart: "deep chuckle ( not creepy though)" Im sorry silly me! Im Bart and I am making a Meet and Greet convention for viners. I would like you and a few others to be in it. It will be called Magcon and it will basically be like a tour for a year and if its successful then we will keep doing Magcon."
Cody: Oh my god yes of course. The only downside would be I would loose friends. But hopefully i will also get more friends. So yes, i am in!"
Bart: Wonderful!!! I will message you all the details! Magcon is very soon, like its in a week."
Cody: Oh gosh! Short notice much?? Haha im kidding! But yes that's fine I understand. Thank you so much! Goodbye!
Bart: Goodbye and your welcome "
Well, im going to Magcon. How do i tell Matt?? Shit. He came back. Then HIS phone rang. He put his finger up and walked away for a few minutes then came back. We drank our coffee then we said this at the same time- "Im going to Magcon for a year" We both sad sadly. "Wait, what? " i said. "Yeah, i guess were both going to Magcon!!" He said excitedly and we hugged. It lasted forever and i loved it, especially since i was so short( im like 5' 2.) and he was so tall( hes like 5' 11).  When we FINALLY let go, i blushed and we headed out with our coffees. Ah, i still have a crush. Ugh FML.

Family Friend.( a Magcon fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now