Chapter 5

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Me and Mahogany woke up at 8. We have rehearsal today at 1:00. That should end at 2:00. We're probably doing something else after. I think the beach?? Maybe.

Just to be on the safe side, i put my hair in a pretty messy bun, and i put on waterproof mascara and a bathing suit under my clothes.Mahogany did the same.
" Wanna prank the boys?" I asked her smirking. She smirked and nodded. " Duh. How?" She asked. " Smack cam slash ice bucket challenge." I said. Were going to smack cam them then dump water on them. Fun!

First we headed to Aaron and Shawns room. She went over to Shawn and i went to Aaron. I put my phone onto Vine and started recording.

"WERE THE SMACK CAM BITCHES" I yelled and smacked Aaron then dumped water on him. He jumped and squealed. Like a girl. Shawn just jumped. We told them about rehearsal and the beach and they got up to get ready.

We headed to our next victims. Hayes and Taylor. I was gonna get Tay and Lox was gonna wake up Hayes and he was gonna help us. He grabbed the camera and me and Lox both smacked and dumped Tay. "WHAT THE FUCK" he screamed. We were dying of laughter.

We told him the same we told Aaron and Shawn and he started to get ready. Me, Lox, and Hayes headed quickly to the Jacks room.

I was gonna get JJ and Lox was gonna get JG. I screamed "WE ARE THE SMACK CAM BITCHES" and smacked JJ. He yelled and grabbed me. " Warm hugs?" He asked all wet. " Nah, im good." I said. " Maybe when you dry" i winked. We told them to get ready for beach and rehearsal and headed to Cam and Nashs room.
I got Cam this time. "WE ARE THE SMACK CAM BITCHES" Me and Lox yelled then smacked the boys and dumped them. We were laughing and told the to get ready. Now it was time for Matt and Carter.

We walked in and we yelled "WE ARE THE SMACK CAM BITCHES" then smacked them and i was about to dump Matt but he grabbed me. " I dont think so" He whispered in his...GAHHHH MORNING VOICE ER MER GERD.

" Aww too bad i think so" I smirked and jumped out of his grip and dumped him. We told them what to do and headed to the lobby for breakfast . By the time we finished smack cam and splash it was 12. Me and Lox ate some waffles and took pictures with a few fans in the lobby and headed up to see the boys. They were all in our room.

" Lets go!" Carter said. I got onto Matts back and Lox got onto JGs back. They would be cute together.( THIS IS A FANFIC. IT IS NOT REAL. K BYE.)

We rode down to the arena thing we were doing Magcon in and Shawn, Jack, and Jack began to practice while the rest of us ran around and danced and jumped. Once Shawn was down singing Stitches Jack and Jack sang Shallow Love, California, and, my personal favorite, Wrong One.

The parts JJ sang he was watching and dancing with me. I was flattered to say the least. After they finished and went through it a few more times, we finished up and headed down to the beach.

" Ah, the sun, IM MELTING ERM MER GERSH. SOMEONE CARRY MEH!!!!!" I yelled. Everyone laughed and i jumped on Hayes back. We found a spot to sit down our stuff. I stripped down to my bathing suit. Im already super tan and i dont burn so i just run to the water. Cam and Carter are the only ones who dont burn like me so Carter helped everyone put sunscreen on. " Me and Cam are going to the water, losers!" I yelled. " Wait you need sunscreen!" Yelled JG. " I dont burn! I just get tanner!" I yelled laughing. They all laughed me me and Cam started to swim a bit deeper into the water. I couldn't go too deep since i am 5'2.

" Can you swim any deeper? Because we can stop." He said. I shook my head. " Nah, i dont wanna drown. Haha" I said. He frowned. " Dont joke about that." He said. He got a bit closer. I hope he's not doing what i think. I turned around and tried to swim up closer to the shore." Wait." He kissed me! I pushed him away." I-im sorr-ry." He said. " No, its fine, i-i just, ya know.-" " You don't like me like that. Yeah, i get it." He said and starting swimming back to the shore. " Wait to make me feel bad. Go Cam!" I whispered and started to swim after him.
" Um, i think I'll go back, i don't really feel well." I lied to everyone.
" Want me to come?" Said Nash, Lox, JJ, and Matt. Jeez.
"Uhhhh two of you can come, the other two can stay here! You guys deserve to have fun too! " I said. They all wanted to come. They did a quick game of rock, paper, scissors. Lox and JJ won. Nash and Matt walked back to the water reluctantly. " Twin, we all know your not sick. And we all saw Cam walking away. What the hell happened??"

Ugh, id have to tell them sooner or later. I just wished it was later." Fine... Cam...He, he kissed me." I said with my eyes closed. I opened one of them. Lox looked surprised. JJ looked mad. No, JJ looked pissed. He couldn't be jealous...could he? No no, hes my " twin". " And you dont like him, do you?" Lox said. I shook my head.
" Do you guys know where he went?" I asked.
" Probably his room. You may wanna go talk to him." Lox said. I nodded. I told them to go back to the beach and then headed down. Ah. Now i need to talk to Cam. Lets do it now, before they get back. I headed toward his room and knocked.
" It's unlocked. Come in" He said. I headed in. He was in the kitchen drinking coffee." I never thought of you as one to drink coffee" I said grabbing a cup for coffee myself. " You thought right.Its water" He said and poured it down the sink. I laughed. " Listen, im sorry about earlier. I just dont think i have feelings for you. I have them for someone else." I said and blushed. " I get it. Its fine. I think it was just in the moment. I feel nothing but you being my sister. Nothing else." He said and i was relieved. I mean yeah, Cam is hot and sweet and everything. But hes just not for me.
" By the way, i think Blue Eyes likes you." He said. " BLUE EYES IS MY NICKNAME!!! STICK TO NASHY POO." I yelled laughing." Ok. But im serious though. I think JJ and Matt like you too." " Oh my god...this is too much. " I said and buried my head into my hands.
He hugged me. Damn hes good with hugs. Haha." You'll get through it." He said smiling down at me." Thanks Cammy. But how do i choose?" I asked.
" Now that, little sister, is your decision." He said smiling.

Shit. I have some thinking to do. Maybe Cammy is just bluffing? 3 guys cant all like me at the same time...right? Ah fuck.

A/N- I know what a cliffhanger but would you consider this a cliffy? Comment please! I need the feedback!!!! Shout out to ma twin/lake bestie thuggpuggg !!!! Love that girl!! I will probably post another chapter later today bc my life is boring and all i do is lay around and read fanfics, but what's wrong with that?!?! Haha alright peace ill be back soon!<3 :)

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